Residents of northern Kenya are not citizens of a lesser god
An attack by bandits on Puspusion village along Turkana-Baringo counties border earlier in the month left 14 villagers, including children dead.
By Billow Kerrow 7 years ago
Residents of northern Kenya are not citizens of a lesser god
Africa sshould reaffirm commitment to climate change agenda by going green
As curtains close on the Marrakech climate conference, I admit I was green behind the ears about global narratives on climate.
By Billow Kerrow 7 years ago
Africa sshould reaffirm commitment to climate change agenda by going green
Africa pays for West's climate mess, and it's bound to get worse
Eastern African countries are experiencing a severe drought that has decimated livelihoods in vulnerable regions, with millions in need of emergency support.
By Billow Kerrow 7 years ago
Africa pays for West's climate mess, and it's bound to get worse
Lack of accountability, integrity in public service breeding corruption
The rising impunity by those in public service who are expected to safeguard our resources and provide services with utmost humility, accountability and integrity has eroded public confidence.
By Billow Kerrow 7 years ago
Lack of accountability, integrity in public service breeding corruption
President wrong to blame institutions for runaway graft
Well, the President is at it again. Complaining about corruption. He complained of massive corruption in his office in 2014.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
President wrong to blame institutions for runaway graft
Audit report on Constitution lacks merit, conceals challenges we face
We whine every too often on just about everything. It doesn’t prick our conscience when state mandarins obfuscate reality, perhaps finding citizenry too gullible.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Audit report on Constitution lacks merit, conceals challenges we face
Employment record in public bodies points to ethnic bigotry
Are Kenyans generally ethnic bigots? It would appear so. Not just in our voting patterns in General Elections or elections in our professional organisations.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Employment record in public bodies points to ethnic bigotry
Support local SMEs to grow informal sector and economy
The 16th Public Forum of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) that ended in Geneva this week was important, particularly for developing countries which need to adapt to the changing global economy. It brought out the need to make world trade more inclusive by focusing on the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and enhancing their ability to trade across borders. In short, it was about levelling the trading field for SMEs.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Support local SMEs to grow informal sector and economy
Kinisu exit a reminder that graft war won’t be won any time soon
As the old adage goes, the more things change, the more they remain the same. At least in our context, that can readily be said of the anti-corruption war.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Kinisu exit a reminder that graft war won’t be won any time soon
Focus on Kenya-Japan relations should be business and not aid
The Japanese are in town this week, in thousands. I love these guys, really. They mean business, and have been good friends of Kenya for decades.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Focus on Kenya-Japan relations should be business and not aid
IEBC deal breaker demonstrated the value of statesmanship
The IEBC deal struck by the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee headed by Senators Kiraitu Murungi and James Orengo is a landmark agreement that ought to be applauded.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
IEBC deal breaker demonstrated the value of statesmanship
President must protect consumers and sign Banking Bill into law
The President should sign the Banking (Amendment) Bill 2015 that seeks to cap commercial interest rates in the country. He should not think twice on this matter, and must not waver.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
President must protect consumers and sign Banking Bill into law
Matiang’i must remain firm and clean up troubled education sector
Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i should remain firm, and pursue his determination to clean up the education sector without looking over his shoulder.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Matiang’i must remain firm and clean up troubled education sector
Extra-judicial killings in north eastern region should stop
On Friday July 22, just as residents of Elele village in Mandera County ended their weekly prayers, a contingent of security forces rounded them up outside the mosque and demanded that they produce guns.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Extra-judicial killings in north eastern region should stop
How grand corruption in the counties undermines devolution
In July last year, nearly 60 per cent of Kenyans regarded corruption as the biggest threat to devolution and the most pressing problem county governments should address in a key survey conducted by Transparency International-Kenya.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
How grand corruption in the counties undermines devolution
State must be wary of dealing with Israel’s Prime Minister
Kenyans expressed their profound horror on the extra-judicial killings of lawyer Willie Kimani, his client Josephat Mwenda and taxi man Joseph Muiruri through nationwide protests.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
State must be wary of dealing with Israel’s Prime Minister
Brexit may mark sunset years for the once dominant Britain
Times have changed, very much. There was a time when the sun never set on the British empire.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Brexit may mark sunset years for the once dominant Britain
Rotich’s budget unrealistic and overreaching in many respects
It was big, bold and ambitious! The 2016/17 budget was the largest ever, with a planned expenditure of Sh2.3 trillion.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Rotich’s budget unrealistic and overreaching in many respects
We must cut down on borrowing and focus on reducing deficit
IMF has already raised concern about further borrowing by the government as the latter eyes additional sovereign bonds. Government should temper its appetite for more debt and prioritise its spending to cut its deficits.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
We must cut down on borrowing and focus on reducing deficit
There is every reason to blame Parliament for IEBC protests
After the 2007 post-election violence, our leaders pledged that ‘never again’ should Kenyans die because of politics. A few years later, it appears no lessons have been learnt.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
There is every reason to blame Parliament for IEBC protests
Uhuru’s visit to North Eastern could be too little too late
President Uhuru Kenyatta has finally visited North Eastern counties of Mandera, Wajir and Garissa, more than three years after he came to power.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Uhuru’s visit to North Eastern could be too little too late
Government decision to shut down refugee camps ill advised
The government has yet again announced plans to shut down refugee camps in the country, citing ‘national security threats’.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Government decision to shut down refugee camps ill advised
Era of ethnic delegations to State House returns under Jubilee
One of Kanu regime’s defining characteristics of imperial power was the trooping of delegations from various ethnic communities to State House to seek ‘development’ for their regions
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Era of ethnic delegations to State House returns under Jubilee
County chiefs are living large while undermining devolution
I often criticise President Uhuru Kenyatta’s policies and actions without any hesitation, where it warrants.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
County chiefs are living large while undermining devolution
A more cautious CBK may have stopped run on Chase Bank
Majority of Kenyans believe directors of Chase Bank are culpable for the bank's collapse, and they should be hanged.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
A more cautious CBK may have stopped run on Chase Bank
Kenya should now focus on compensating PEV victims
William Ruto is now a free man. The International Criminal Court (ICC) indicted six Kenyans on charges of crimes against humanity but Ruto was the centrepiece, the man of the moment.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Kenya should now focus on compensating PEV victims
Intrigues at National Bank undermined its performance
Is there more than meets the eye in the recent suspension of National Bank of Kenya CEO Munir Ahmed and other top managers by the Board?
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Intrigues at National Bank undermined its performance
IEBC should be overhauled before next year’s elections
The IEBC is living beyond its sell-by date. The sooner its leadership packs its bags and exits from the stage the better for this nation.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
IEBC should be overhauled before next year’s elections
We must do more to promote growth in pastoralist regions
Political leaders comprising governors, parliamentarians and county assembly speakers from the 14 pastoralist-dominated counties held the second annual leadership summit last week, led by myself as the current president of the summit.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
We must do more to promote growth in pastoralist regions
Could presidential poll signal the beginning of the end for US?
Choices have consequences! That’s what the US told Kenyans before the 2013 General Election, in reference to the bid by UhuRuto for presidency following their indictment by the International Criminal Court.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Could presidential poll signal the beginning of the end for US?
Mutual suspicion between TNA and URP will stall Jubilee merger
As we inch closer to the March 31 deadline to merge Jubilee coalition parties, I am convinced this deal may come a cropper sooner rather than later. If it goes to fruition, it is unlikely to stop creation of new parties in the Jubilee strongholds.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Mutual suspicion between TNA and URP will stall Jubilee merger
How skewed KRA management structure is limiting effectiveness
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) was once an enviable institution. It had the most attractive and desired working environment in public service.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
How skewed KRA management structure is limiting effectiveness
Only real austerity will save nation from going into massive debt
The just-concluded summit between the heads of our two levels of government couldn’t have come at a better time.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Only real austerity will save nation from going into massive debt
Treasury should prioritise public spending to grow our economy
The Treasury plans spend Sh2 trillion in the upcoming budget for 2015/16 according to published budget documents.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Treasury should prioritise public spending to grow our economy
Containing corruption in public office proving a tall order for us
As has been our tradition, this year’s Transparency International’s global corruption perception index ranked us at 139 out of 168 countries, confirming that we have maintained our position as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Containing corruption in public office proving a tall order for us
Treasury must focus on reducing the country’s public debt burden
In recent weeks, the government has been at pains to explain how the Eurobond debt was used as the unrelenting opposition continued to pile pressure.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Treasury must focus on reducing the country’s public debt burden
Public audit is key to enhancing accountability of resources
The Opposition has gone to court to challenge the Public Audit Act 2015. Their contention is that part of the Act limits the scope of audit of security agencies, and undermines the independence of the Auditor General
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Public audit is key to enhancing accountability of resources
Muslims, Christians share common issues that ought to unite them
As our Christian fraternity in Kenya and around the world set out to celebrate Xmas, I grabbed the recess and headed to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, to perform the lesser pilgrimage known as Umrah.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Muslims, Christians share common issues that ought to unite them
Heroes repeatedly demonstrate that Islam preaches peace
Passengers on a Mandera-bound bus thwarted Al-Shabaab’s attempt early this week to single out Christians for slaughter, by refusing to be segregated on religious grounds.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
Heroes repeatedly demonstrate that Islam preaches peace
WTO talks an unfair match that pits the rich against the poor
If you lock powerful trading giants of the West in the same room with our small economies from the Third World to negotiate, chances are there will be no outcome because they are simply not on the same plane.
By Billow Kerrow 8 years ago
WTO talks an unfair match that pits the rich against the poor
Gachagua's ouster bid to shape Mt Kenya's 2027 political choices
By Ndung’u Gachane
5 hrs ago
Quarter of medical training schools fail to meet standards
Health & Science
By Nehemiah Okwembah
5 hrs ago
Why we need free and fair FKF elections
By Editorial
5 hrs ago