On a mission to fight hidden hunger
As for a child, it is not enough to have a full stomach, it is important to also provide the necessary nutrients for growth and development.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
On a mission to fight hidden hunger
Many youth below a certain age do not remember the horrors of HIV
Institutional memory lessons are the lessons taught to us by our forefathers, the lessons taught to us by previous generations so that we do not repeat their mistakes.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
Many youth below a certain age do not remember the horrors of HIV
Doctors also face trauma and have bills to pay
If walls could talk, there would be a strong push for doctors to be offered post-traumatic counselling, a service that they would have to pay for with the salaries they are not receiving.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
Doctors also face trauma and have bills to pay
One-Health plan key to preventing next outbreak
Month on month, we hear of outbreak of diseases that for the most part we thought we had under control or we didn't even think of, as in the case of Marburg.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
One-Health plan key to preventing next outbreak
All Kenyans, not just the insured, should access quality healthcare
We should all be reading from one simple script that all people need to have access to quality health services they need, when and where need them.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
All Kenyans, not just the insured, should access quality healthcare
There is more to nutrition than just 'food on the table'
Vitamin and mineral deficiency is a major public health concern in underserved communities.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
There is more to nutrition than just 'food on the table'
The greatest tragedy in Africa is the children we let die
Children who are in their formative years require their health to be promoted as it is the greatest determinant in their developmental milestones.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
The greatest tragedy in Africa is the children we let die
'Our education system did not teach us to inquire'
Our education system did not teach us to inquire. It has had too much rote learning and not teaching people to ask questions and to try and find solutions.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
'Our education system did not teach us to inquire'
Most Kenyans a sickness away from poverty
The importance of Universal Health Coverage cannot be overstated. "No one should die when we have the means to provide care. No one should die because they are poor."
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
Most Kenyans a sickness away from poverty
The paperless prescription
The automatic deductions made as part of my healthcare expenses, all catered for my consultation and medication.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
The paperless prescription
How Nagasaki University is supporting Kenya's scientists
According to JICA, projects supported are over 12 billion yen (Sh12 Billion) with some 25 free projects and two paid projects.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
How Nagasaki University is supporting Kenya's scientists
Let's prioritise digitisation of health records
In the post-covid era, I hope Departments of Health, both public and private, have realised the urgency in digitisation of health records with remote access.
By Dr Diana Wangari 1 year ago
Let's prioritise digitisation of health records
Telemedicine should be part of our healthcare system
With SASAdoctor, patients can access health care services through a hybrid of in-person and virtual consultation. Co-CEO Francis Osiemo Maendi explains how it works.
By Dr Diana Wangari 2 years ago
Telemedicine should be part of our healthcare system
Pandemic gave us a glimpse of the future
Most Kenyans were given a glimpse of what the future could look like, what an effective public health system could be and universal health coverage could achieve.
By Dr Diana Wangari 2 years ago
Pandemic gave us a glimpse of the future
Kenyans aren't serious about health insurance
Every Kenyan should have some form of health insurance and that is our government's responsibility to its people.
By Dr Diana Wangari 2 years ago
Kenyans aren't serious about health insurance
KNH boss: I am opening up Kenyatta National Hospital to one and all
From surviving devolution blues, tackling a pandemic and managing boardroom politics, Dr Kamuri has survived the odds to place KNH in an enviable position as the region's premier referral facility.
By Dr Diana Wangari 2 years ago
KNH boss: I am opening up Kenyatta National Hospital to one and all
Advancing gender equity in media
In virtually every sphere of life, there are invisible barriers that women face. Women start off from a point of disadvantage.
By Dr Diana Wangari 2 years ago
Advancing gender equity in media
Join us in keeping climate challenges in perspective for Kenyans
The visible impacts of climate change are the extreme droughts, forests burning in wildfires, floods, and other devastating effects- collectively termed as extreme weather events.
By Dr Diana Wangari 2 years ago
Join us in keeping climate challenges in perspective for Kenyans
Police looking for Brazilian in drug lab deal
By Fred Kagonye
2 hrs ago
Abandoned by the State ;The silent pain for Gen Z protest survivors
By Emmanuel Kipchumba
2 hrs ago
Managing your flocks this long rainy season
By Dr Watson Messo
8 hrs ago