What women want
A woman's relationship with healthcare providers and the healthcare system during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is crucial.
By Christine Koech 1 year ago
What women want
Five things to always remember about fats and carbs
WHO guidelines say adults should limit total fat intake to 30 per cent of total energy intake or less. Based on a typical diet, the total fat allowance is about 55 to 65g a day.
By Christine Koech 1 year ago
Five things to always remember about fats and carbs
Five daily habits to keep you healthy
Try including veggies in your meal; eating fresh fruit and vegetables as snacks; eating a variety of fruits and vegetables; and eating them in season.
By Christine Koech 1 year ago
Five daily habits to keep you healthy
Standard Group mentees challenged to take up opportunities that help build resilience
Fifteen mentees and 10 mentors of the pioneer cohort were celebrated at the ceremony held on Tuesday.
By Christine Koech 1 year ago
Standard Group mentees challenged to take up opportunities that help build resilience
Cancer risk factors to avoid
It has been estimated that outdoor air pollution contributed to 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2016, of which 6% were lung cancer deaths.
By Christine Koech 1 year ago
Cancer risk factors to avoid
Empower girls but not at the expense of boys
Fewer men than women are taking up empowerment opportunities. Society is investing less in the boy child but expecting the same outcome
By Christine Koech 2 years ago
Empower girls but not at the expense of boys
To prosper, shed the baggage of selfishness
I was recently privileged to sit at the feet of Prof Wotsuna Khamalwa (Sociology and Anthropology) at Makerere University, as he elaborated on the concept of the centre versus the periphery.
By Ann Enjao 9 years ago
To prosper, shed the baggage of selfishness
How container cash deposits are creating a problem for Kenyan traders
Shipping & Logistics
By Patrick Beja
42 mins ago
Politics back in church as Ruto, Gachagua allies storm the pulpit
By Irene Githinji
42 mins ago
MPs probe Moi University's Sh3b bank loan to buy Rivatex
By Josphat Thiongó
42 mins ago