There is nothing memorable about politicians’ fiery and toxic speeches
The vocal outburst of some wanna-be presidents is not presidential. Their rhetoric tells of adults working hard to undo the classic parental advice.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
There is nothing memorable about politicians’ fiery and toxic speeches
The way of Christ is pure love that must be visible in spirit and deed
Given that the major activity of His life is captured during His adulthood, His early life did not appear as an epicentre of any significant happening
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
The way of Christ is pure love that must be visible in spirit and deed
Lows we should not return to
Kenya has gone through a lot and for that it must have much to show for it, some of the behaviours that have cost us in the past keep being repeated.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Lows we should not return to
True leaders cherish peace, have a consistent record of embodying it
In this year of leadership transition, aspirants are and will speak a lot. They will speak passionately and sometimes desperately.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
True leaders cherish peace, have a consistent record of embodying it
Why do we love listening to and telling lies?
Why is deception so acceptable? Lies are spoken and we clap. We are cheated and we cheer. We are a lying and lied to nation.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Why do we love listening to and telling lies?
Holy day or holiday? Xmas is now the spiritual ticket to unholy cheer
While story of birth of Christ was real, it is frozen into romantic nativity scene, the butcher, matatu driver or prostitute say it is overtaken.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Holy day or holiday? Xmas is now the spiritual ticket to unholy cheer
Wanjiku still weeping in the land of promise, 58 years later
An ornamental memory of our freedom story, growing allegiance to Mammon, masquerading leaders and moral care-freeness will continue to postpone hope.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Wanjiku still weeping in the land of promise, 58 years later
Our lives are a mixed farm with the choice to let wheat or weeds thrive
We cannot tell the weeds from the wheat in our leaders simply by looking at their party affiliations or tribal roots.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Our lives are a mixed farm with the choice to let wheat or weeds thrive
From loud speakers to showbiz faith: Bad habits Kenyans need to change
Wealth with stinginess is abject poverty. That wealth needs to change hands and be transferred to kind hearts.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
From loud speakers to showbiz faith: Bad habits Kenyans need to change
Kenya is not incurably corrupt for good people still walk amongst us
There are Kenyans who are fiercely loyal to integrity.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Kenya is not incurably corrupt for good people still walk amongst us
Politicians have a duty to make sure citizens lead dignified lives
Most politicians tell of economic models and connect them directly to economic outcomes.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Politicians have a duty to make sure citizens lead dignified lives
Visionary leadership: We badly need a David, warts and all
Perception does not always translate into precision. This is an important fact as Kenyans make decisions in the election year.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Visionary leadership: We badly need a David, warts and all
The North is gripped by drought, this must surely concern all of us
The silence of our religiosity at a time when we have people threatened by death is confusing.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
The North is gripped by drought, this must surely concern all of us
Six million reasons why the church must help deliver credible election
The recent wrestling back of the altar by the church from the capture of the politician is indeed sober, bold and prophetic.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Six million reasons why the church must help deliver credible election
The parable of the mask, and why science and religion must co-exist
In the midst of these interpretations, the mask code is a useful parable. It carries more meaning than a health cover over the mouth and nose.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
The parable of the mask, and why science and religion must co-exist
Reflections on the first Anglican female bishop Rev Rose Okeno
No contemporary work names the fullness of women and their right to dignity than Rev Dr Timothy Njoya’s Divinity of the Clitoris.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Reflections on the first Anglican female bishop Rev Rose Okeno
The Laikipia pain
No Kenyan with a conscience was unmoved by the 2007/2008 post-election madness. The violence mocked our independence.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
The Laikipia pain
Scriptures do require us to support the needy, not treat giving as favour
It matters to God that people do not have good clothes; are hungry; are in prison; are thirsty, are estranged; are in hospital.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
Scriptures do require us to support the needy, not treat giving as favour
Church obliged to free voters from clutches of self-serving politicians
God does not give opinions. God communicates truth. The church is a courier of a long-range divine vision for the earthly community.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
Church obliged to free voters from clutches of self-serving politicians
Ezekiel Mutua wasn’t perfect but in his story errors won’t be the legacy
He supported some forms of artistic innovation but deconstructed others that seem to defiantly push the boundaries.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
Ezekiel Mutua wasn’t perfect but in his story errors won’t be the legacy
The church must quit being neutral party and exhibit a pro-people bias
Innovate effective models: The pandemic has ambushed the church, thrusting it into a forced re-imagination.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
The church must quit being neutral party and exhibit a pro-people bias
Church's brand of peace needed to end violence in political hotspots
Going into 2022, amongst the church-sponsored candidates who must win is Peace.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
Church's brand of peace needed to end violence in political hotspots
Let the church wake from slumber and steer nation to oasis of peace
It is faulty to run for elected office on the basis of popularity in church circles.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
Let the church wake from slumber and steer nation to oasis of peace
We need radical peacemakers, not politicians, to break violence cycle
The 2007-2008 post-election violence, happened at a time when the country was enjoying a historic economic blossom.
By Edward Buri 3 years ago
We need radical peacemakers, not politicians, to break violence cycle