Keep healthy habits this Xmas
One of the best ways to stay on track during the holidays is to plan your meals in advance.
By Faith Kariuki 2 years ago
Keep healthy habits this Xmas
Live a better life with HIV
Approximately 1.5 million people, 4.9 per cent of the Kenyan population, are infected with HIV.
By Faith Kariuki 2 years ago
Live a better life with HIV
Key to managing hypertension
If lifestyle changes are implemented early enough during the pre-hypertensive stage, the risk of developing high blood pressure is greatly reduced.
By Faith Kariuki 2 years ago
Key to managing hypertension
Overhydration is a real threat
Have you noticed how when you gulp two or more glasses of water it does not take long before you get an urge to use the toilet?
By Faith Kariuki 2 years ago
Overhydration is a real threat
How to form healthy food habits
Overeating is not uncommon in our society. We are consuming more than the body requires, fueling the rise of obesity and non-communicable diseases.
By Faith Kariuki 2 years ago
How to form healthy food habits
Alkalizing diet: Good for health or just a fad?
The alkalizing or alkaline ash diet has gained popularity as a result of claims that it offers protection against many diseases.
By Faith Kariuki 2 years ago
Alkalizing diet: Good for health or just a fad?
No, alkaline diet can't cure cancer
Experiments have shown that cancer cells thrive in acidic environments.
By Faith Kariuki 5 years ago
No, alkaline diet can't cure cancer
Please deport me too: Views of a frustrated Kenyan citizen
I was born in Kenya, I don’t know how many moons have passed since then, but I guess quite a number
By Victor Mochere 6 years ago
Please deport me too: Views of a frustrated Kenyan citizen
Picky eaters can enjoy creatively prepared meals
Some children are naturally predisposed to becoming picky eaters and are more anxious when presented with new foods. This can occur at any age from six months to around two years.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Picky eaters can enjoy creatively prepared meals
Eat healthy, not for two, while pregnant
What a woman eats during pregnancy has profound and long-lasting effects on her child’s health. To maintain the health of both the child and the mother, a healthy diet is very important.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Eat healthy, not for two, while pregnant
Help your child's immune system stay strong
Even though diet cannot solely prevent an infection, good nutrition is essential to the development and maintenance of a healthy and strong immune system.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Help your child's immune system stay strong
How to read your weight accurately
Your weight can fluctuate between 0.5 kilogrammes and 2 kilogrammes in a day. These weight fluctuations are normal. The amount of food you eat, how much water you drink, how much you exercise and how much you have gone to the bathroom can all temporarily influence your weight.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
How to read your weight accurately
Slim people are not necessarily healthy
The other day, as I was taking my morning jog, I heard some women behind me wonder aloud why someone with a small body was exercising.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Slim people are not necessarily healthy
Obsessing about diet is ultimately unhealthy
Being healthy and fit shouldn’t be a fashion statement or a trend. It is a lifestyle.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Obsessing about diet is ultimately unhealthy
Poor diet causing too many preventable deaths
Early this month the Ministry of Health in conjunction with World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics released the first nationally representative survey on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Poor diet causing too many preventable deaths
Bill a godsend for mothers, babies
On Tuesday, Members of Parliament approved a Bill that makes it mandatory for employers to set up well equipped lactation stations within the office premises.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Bill a godsend for mothers, babies
Nutrition best taught at an early age
I took my three-year old daughter to her friend’s birthday party the other day and because it was a weekend, the place was packed with children, their parents and nannies.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Nutrition best taught at an early age
Water makes body organs work well to keep you healthy
In its absence, your body would stop functioning properly. Inadequate water intake slows down all functions of body organs.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Water makes body organs work well to keep you healthy
Exercises reduce cancer risk
According to American Cancer Society, physical exercise may reduce risk of various cancers including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrial and prostrate.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Exercises reduce cancer risk
Work should not prevent you from eating
I get worried when I hear people give excuses why it is difficult or impossible for them to eat healthy and/ or do physical exercises.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Work should not prevent you from eating
Detox diets alone cannot remove chemicals from the body
It is that crazy season once again of consuming funny concoctions and starving our bodies after indulging during the festive season.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Detox diets alone cannot remove chemicals from the body
Take care of your diet to manage HIV infection
Proper nutrition is an important component if one is to lead a healthy lifestyle. It reduces the risk of contracting disease and promotes overall health.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Take care of your diet to manage HIV infection
Low intake of iron increases health risks for women
In Kenya, iron deficiency remains a major public health concern among women of child-bearing age and children.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Low intake of iron increases health risks for women
Avoid fast foods to fend off non-communicable diseases
Kenya’s middle class is increasingly abandoning traditional, healthy foods for the more glamorous yet unhealthy junk foods leading to an increase in lifestyle diseases among the population.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Avoid fast foods to fend off non-communicable diseases
Tell your children about the dangers of junk food
In this age of big advertising budgets, children can easily be swayed into thinking junk food is cool. Attractive packaging and alluring brand names all give a false sense of inviolability.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Tell your children about the dangers of junk food
Eat healthy foods to reduce breast cancer risk
Cancer is the third most common cause of death in Kenya after infectious and cardiovascular diseases. According to Kenya Network of Cancer Organisations, 39,000 new cases are reported annually with approximately 27,000 deaths per year.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Eat healthy foods to reduce breast cancer risk
Parents should teach the young ones to eat healthy
After spending some time with a group of children aged between 3 to 10 years and their parents, I realized that some parents do not know the different food groups that constitute a healthy meal.
By Faith Kariuki 8 years ago
Parents should teach the young ones to eat healthy
Feed children healthy food to boost their immunity
The time I dreaded most as a new parent was the beginning of a new school term. A few days of my daughter’s first year at school were spent nursing fevers, coughs and a lousy appetite.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Feed children healthy food to boost their immunity
Tips to help you identify brand new laptop from a refurbished one
A laptop that has been returned to the retailer or the manufacturer due to a defect covered in the warranty or on expiry of the lease agreement can be repaired and reconditioned to an almost ‘brand new status’. Legally they are not new and are known as refurbished laptops or simply refurbs
By Victor Mochere 9 years ago
Tips to help you identify brand new laptop from a refurbished one
Have breakfast regularly to stay healthy
September is Better Breakfast Month for a reason. Having breakfast is a healthy habit and helps one stay productive.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Have breakfast regularly to stay healthy
Too much sugar is harmful to both adults and children
In March this year, the World Health Organisation released new guidelines on sugar intake for children and adults.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Too much sugar is harmful to both adults and children
Handle vegetables well to get all their benefits
Did you know that nearly each food preparation procedure, be it washing, cutting, cooking or peeling reduces the amount of nutrients in it?
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Handle vegetables well to get all their benefits
Career should not be a hindrance to breastfeeding
World Breastfeeding Week was marked last week. It was in honour of the Innocenti Declaration that was signed in August 1990 to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Career should not be a hindrance to breastfeeding
How the use of personal email at work can cost you your job
In June 2011, multiple reports say Ms Clinton sent an unclassified cable to all diplomatic and consular posts asking them to “avoid conducting official Department from your personal e-mail accounts.
By Victor Mochere 9 years ago
How the use of personal email at work can cost you your job
Ensure your children eat vegetables
One parent said her child eats all foods, but leaves vegetables. Another parent mentioned that her child vomits when she is served anything green.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Ensure your children eat vegetables
Whole fruit healthier than fruit salad
Parents have become more health aware and, over time, investing in healthy diets for their children has become part of life.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Whole fruit healthier than fruit salad
Expand your menu for better health
No mother would want to lose a child to something she could have prevented.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Expand your menu for better health
Body shapers can be harmful to your health
I had a meeting with a friend the other day and I almost did not recognise her.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Body shapers can be harmful to your health
Is your child eating because of hunger or boredom?
Over the festive period, I got a chance to spend some “alone” time with my two-year old daughter and I observed a very interesting thing.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Is your child eating because of hunger or boredom?
Help your child become a mindful eater
Children learn fast by emulating figures like parents or caregivers. If a child is in an environment where people eat and finish their meals within a few minutes, they will learn to do the same.
By Faith Kariuki 9 years ago
Help your child become a mindful eater
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
1 hr ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
1 hr ago
How sub-standard cooking oil found it's way in Kenyan market
By Josphat Thiongó
1 hr ago
Learning in varsities paralysed as details emerge on offer unions rejected
By Augustine Oduor and Mike Kihaki
1 hr ago