Was Maseno comrade murdered by villagers?
Maseno University has been closed indefinitely following a demonstration after the death of a ‘comrade.’
By Elly Logova 7 years ago
Was Maseno comrade murdered by villagers?
Former student leader accuses fellow student of biting lower lip and causing bodily injuries
A former student leader has accused a fellow student of biting his lower lip and causing him bodily injuries.
By Kelvin Kamau 7 years ago
Former student leader accuses fellow student of biting lower lip and causing bodily injuries
Be gone: Kisii University suspends 40 students
Forty students have been suspended from Kisii University following a two-day riot from October 17.
By Innocent Tsalwa 7 years ago
Be gone: Kisii University suspends 40 students
Why devolution is the biggest achievement of the 2010 Constitution
Devolution is the biggest achievement of the 2010 Constitution. The process has seen the extension of resources and power from the center to the periphery.
By Bernard Amaya 7 years ago
Why devolution is the biggest achievement of the 2010 Constitution
Kenyans can slay the dragon of corruption once and for all
After 53 years of independence, we are down to only our fourth president.
By Augustine Gitonga 7 years ago
Kenyans can slay the dragon of corruption once and for all
Theft of health money is crime against humanity
Although Kenyans are accustomed to perennial corruption within Government establishments, few could have imagined that approximately Sh5.8 billion meant for the most vulnerable in society could have been stolen in such a nerve-racking manner.
By David Sonye 7 years ago
Theft of health money is crime against humanity
Wabukala, do not take EACC job
The search is on again for the next chairperson of the troubled Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
By Dennis Sinyo 7 years ago
Wabukala, do not take EACC job
Varsity student dies after failing to get treatment at the institution's health center
Meru University was yesterday closed indefinitely after students rioted following the death of a colleague.
By Phares Mutembei 7 years ago
Varsity student dies after failing to get treatment at the institution's health center
Recent case of man killing his wife and children in Murang’a is disturbing
Cases of child abuse are on the increase in Kenya and the worst part is that children are attacked by close relatives, including their parents and teachers, with whom they spent most of their time in school.
By Jane Kendi 7 years ago
Recent case of man killing his wife and children in Murang’a is disturbing
Why State should regulate gambling
Kenya has lately witnessed a steady growth of the middle class, technological advancements as well as growth of infrastructure.
By Ahmed Wangara 7 years ago
Why State should regulate gambling
MCAs must be morally upright and competent
It has been four years now since Kenya ushered in the devolved form of government.
By Onyiego Felix 7 years ago
MCAs must be morally upright and competent
UN is not doing enough to help Africa out of conflicts
A confidential United Nations' report recently accused Israel and Eastern Europe of fueling conflicts in South Sudan by selling arms to the government.
By Teddy Katono 7 years ago
UN is not doing enough to help Africa out of conflicts
Varsity gets lab equipment worth Sh 225m
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has received, through a grant, science equipment worth Sh225 million from the African Development Bank.
By Alex Wakhisi 7 years ago
Varsity gets lab equipment worth Sh 225m
Communication between KDF and locals is key
The decision by President Uhuru Kenyatta to cancel his trip to Angola and instead meet security chiefs in the wake of the Al Shabaab attack on lodging in Mandera is commendable.
By Denis Mbau 7 years ago
Communication between KDF and locals is key
Have reduced interest rates led to job cuts?
Banks used to earn 70 per cent interest on loans before the capping of interest at four percentage points above 10 per cent Central Bank Rate (14 per cent).
By Veronica Onjoro 7 years ago
Have reduced interest rates led to job cuts?
Here is why the proposed Lamu coal plant is not viable
Mr. Patrick Mbataru's article in The Standard of October 12 arguing that the "Lamu coal power plant is viable" is unconvincing and one-sided.
By Samia Omar 7 years ago
Here is why the proposed Lamu coal plant is not viable
What the President should do to win war on corruption
At a recent State House summit on governance and accountability, the President confirmed one thing among others: that he had no political spine to fight the vice of corruption.
By Andrew N Wasike 7 years ago
What the President should do to win war on corruption
DP Ruto needs to play his cards well to keep 2022 dream alive
The entry of Peter Kenneth in the crowded Nairobi gubernatorial race is raising jitters in Jubilee Party as he is widely perceived by a faction allied to William Ruto as an outsider who could interfere with the establishment.
By Mudega Oscar 7 years ago
DP Ruto needs to play his cards well to keep 2022 dream alive
Political rivalry cause of conflict in Kerio Valley
Since May, a low-level conflict in the Kerio Valley between Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties has left more than 30 people dead and many others displaced from their homes and farms.
By Dominic Pkalya 7 years ago
Political rivalry cause of conflict in Kerio Valley
Ban secondhand handkerchiefs and panties
Last Sunday, as per our home schedule and routine, I was sent to Kisumu's Kibuye open air market to buy indigenous vegetables that I adore.
By Shem Onyuro 7 years ago
Ban secondhand handkerchiefs and panties
Wrangles as residents protest Ruto's choice of new varsity location
Wrangles surrounding the establishment of the first ever public university in Baringo have taken a new twist; weeks after Deputy President William Ruto proposed another venue.
By Vincent Mabatuk 7 years ago
Wrangles as residents protest Ruto's choice of new varsity location
Varsity students in shock as colleague found dead in hostel
Shock gripped students of Laikipia University on when they woke up to find one of their colleagues dead in his hostel room on the outskirts of Nyahururu town.
By James Munyeki 7 years ago
Varsity students in shock as colleague found dead in hostel
Varsity showcases digital book system
Varsity showcases digital book system
Varsity showcases digital book system
It is sad that cattle rustling still exist in Kenya
Since time immemorial, cattle rustling has been a thorn in the flesh in this country.
By Joseph Muthama 7 years ago
It is sad that cattle rustling still exist in Kenya
New Chief Justice needs us all to fight graft
Last week, Kenya ushered in the new President of the Supreme Court and chairman of the Judicial Service Commission, Chief Justice David Maraga.
By Timothy Kiplimo 7 years ago
New Chief Justice needs us all to fight graft
War on graft should begin at the top
Mega corruption in Kenya is perpetuated by the high and mighty in both the private and public sectors, but the latter is leading the way in perpetuating the vice.
By Bernard Amaya 7 years ago
War on graft should begin at the top
South Africa applying to pull out of ICC ironic
It is quite ironical for South Africa, a country which was the last to be liberated from the yoke of oppressive colonialism, to be among the first African countries, after Burundi, to apply to pull out of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
By Aggrey Kulali 7 years ago
South Africa applying to pull out of ICC ironic
Malik support for Trump selfish
Malik Obama's support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is an insult to family unity and Kenyan values.
By David Muthoka 7 years ago
Malik support for Trump selfish
Kisii University has announced closure of five of her satellite campuses
The move follows recommendations by the Commission of University of Education (CUE) and the Advisory Committee of the Eminent Persons (Acep).
By Erick Abuga 7 years ago
Kisii University has announced closure of five of her satellite campuses
World javelin champion Julius Yego involved in a grisly accident
World javelin champion Julius Yego is recovering at Mediheal hospital after getting involved in an accident in Eldoret.
By musyoki Ngina 7 years ago
World javelin champion Julius Yego involved in a grisly accident
In DigiSchool, role of teacher and student will be reversed
In March this year, the DigiSchool programme was officially launched. With the disbursement of more than 500,000 laptops and tablets to selected schools across counties, the first phase of digitized learning in schools is already in place.
By Dr. Wanjiku wa Njoroge 7 years ago
In DigiSchool, role of teacher and student will be reversed
Let's counter Al Shabaab propaganda
Since 2012, the Global Terrorism Database (DTB) has consistently ranked Kenya third among countries most affected by terrorism in Africa after Nigeria and Somalia.
By Dominic Pkalya 7 years ago
Let's counter Al Shabaab propaganda
Thumbs up to National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale
Kenya is at risk of breeding an indolent generation if stringent measures aren’t put in place to regulate gambling.
By Felix Odingo 7 years ago
Thumbs up to National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale
Spare Mutua and support efforts to amend film law
I have tried keenly to understand all the flak Ezekiel Mutua has been getting in the face of misleading reports that suggest the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) intends to introduce a new law to replace the Films and Stage Plays Act Cap 222 of the Laws of Kenya.
By Kibet Benard 7 years ago
Spare Mutua and support efforts to amend film law
CORD must hold free and fair primaries
CORD supporters are keenly watching developments within the coalition, especially with regard to picking the 2017 presidential flag bearer.
By Machogu Greenvale 7 years ago
CORD must hold free and fair primaries
The recent cultural fiasco is a big shame to the county government
The recent fiasco in which a leading cultural group from Taita-Taveta County failed to travel to Paris, France, to showcase our cultural diversity is a big shame to the county government.
By Pascal Mwandambo 7 years ago
The recent cultural fiasco is a big shame to the county government
Step up training facilities to boost tourism sector
Kenya seems to underestimate tourism education in assuring guests of a memorable experience.
By Bahati A 7 years ago
Step up training facilities to boost tourism sector
Mr. President, it is time to take the bull by its horns
It is so disheartening when the CEO of the nation bemoans the failure of his government to tame a vice.
By Titus Pala and Benard Amaya 7 years ago
Mr. President, it is time to take the bull by its horns
Your Say: Teacher beats class 8 pupil to death in Nakuru for failing test
Our education system is being done in such a way that it only teaches greed and corruption.
By Several authors 7 years ago
Your Say: Teacher beats class 8 pupil to death in Nakuru for failing test
Let’s vet leaders, make informed choices in 2017
State officers are servants of the people and not vice versa. The Constitution is clear about the role of elected representatives at the various levels up from the presidency down to the ward.
By Onyiego Felix 7 years ago
Let’s vet leaders, make informed choices in 2017
How container cash deposits are creating a problem for Kenyan traders
Shipping & Logistics
By Patrick Beja
41 mins ago
Politics back in church as Ruto, Gachagua allies storm the pulpit
By Irene Githinji
41 mins ago
MPs probe Moi University's Sh3b bank loan to buy Rivatex
By Josphat Thiongó
41 mins ago