Getting along of the sexes has a long way to go
How many times have you found yourself in a tiff with the memsahib over truly trivial things?
By Tony Masikonde 10 years ago
Getting along of the sexes has a long way to go
Frao’s girlfriend washes dirty linen online
There is a time tested advice that one should not wash his or her dirty linen in public.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
Frao’s girlfriend washes dirty linen online
Are women holding the short end of the stick?
In the last couple of weeks, there has been a passionate and spirited debate on the Marriage Bill by members of both ridges.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
Are women holding the short end of the stick?
Of rubber meeting the rod and matters to do with size
In the last couple of weeks staggering statistics regarding Kenyans’ use of condom have routinely made headlines.
By BY TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
Of rubber meeting the rod and matters to do with size
The life and times of high school boys
This is the week when most high schools will hold the famous Leavers Bash. After studying for four years for things that, occasionally, had little meaning, it’s time for Form Four leavers to throw their feet up in the air.
By BY TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
The life and times of high school boys
Dead men tell no tales, but weaves do
For a very long time a majority of men have not had anything good to say about the weaves. Even as our sisters seem to be in an all-out competition on who sports the longest and most ludicrous weave set
By BY TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
Dead men tell no tales, but weaves do
Plot to shed crocodile tears to win love backfires
Every time someone mentions crocodile tears, they are often referring to politicians, but for Frao and I, we remember a comical fete achieved by some guy back in our youth.
By BY TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
Plot to shed crocodile tears to win love backfires
Who calls the shots in the marital bed?
In high school, there is a senior teacher who besides teaching his or her specialised subject, also develops the timetable. They call this person the timetabler.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 10 years ago
Who calls the shots in the marital bed?
Frao’s ultimate price for proving he is an alpha male
On Saturday, my pals Mark and Frao were planning on an evening full of bowling at The Village Market. They had roped in several other people so that we could have a couple of guys, and thereby, make the evening memorable.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Frao’s ultimate price for proving he is an alpha male
Close shave for tripple dealing pal
The whole of last week, Frao has been oozing money pretty much the same way Arsenal’s Mesut Ozil has been oozing class. In fact, on Wednesday, he asked me to meet him at Kengeles Nairobi West to view a car he intended to buy.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Close shave for tripple dealing pal
Women love the men they can’t stomach
In their hunt for the perfect partner, most men go to great strengths to appear as the perfect choice, even prepared to forget about the Saturday rugby and football dates with the boys to accompany the soul mate to shopping or saloon.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Women love  the men they can’t stomach
Men lack commitment in relationships, but women overdo it
Last Thursday, I was having a drink with some female colleagues when Paul and Victor, long time pals from college, decide to barge into the party.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Men lack commitment in relationships, but women overdo it
Ladies,how do you Want your men? cute or rugged?
Last week on Wednesday, I had an appointment with one of Frao’s best pals — an annoying insurance sales guy. The man has pestered me for the last two months and I had finally given in, and agreed to meet him. If this was the only way to cut two calls per day to my phone besides having to look for intelligent explanations as to why I could not meet him that week, it was well worth it.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Ladies,how do you Want your men? cute or rugged?
How about letting the sleeping women lie?
Last week, as we watched Liverpool surprisingly stew their long-term bitter rivals — Manchester United, in a top of the table Barclays Premier League clash — at a certain members’ club — we met Annabel. Annabel, I suspected, is light years ahead of our very own he-goat — Frao.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
How about  letting the sleeping women lie?
Twice the number of teachers are aborted annually
We are living in very interesting times. Every other week, dark figures are bandied around. Figures that Frao and I suspect are manufactured in the boardrooms of civil society NGOs, though research companies are usually roped in, too.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Twice the number of teachers are aborted annually
Women use ingenious ways to spread risks
Once upon a time, women were the hunted species as men keen to exercise their machismo outdid each other to land a beautiful girl.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Women use ingenious ways to spread risks
Separate rooms? But I bought you meat and beer!
Long time ago in the days of our forefathers, barter trade was the way to conduct business. If one trader had beads and another had goats, all they needed to figure out is the exchange rate and business would be booming. Once that initiation equation was put in place, everything else pretty fell in place.
By By TONY MASIKONDE 11 years ago
Separate rooms? But I bought you meat and beer!
BMW means ‘baby making weather’, not a cool car!
In the last couple of weeks, it has been damn cold. Even the coastal towns where holidaymakers make a beeline to have sun and tan is equally cold.
By Tony Masikonde 11 years ago
BMW means ‘baby making weather’, not a cool car!
Married till she sticks a knife in your gut
A mong the leading causes of death among men, according to some studious nerd is cancer, liver related maladies, diabetes and road accidents though not necessarily in that order.
By -Tony masikonde 11 years ago
Married till she sticks a knife in your gut
Men should shut up when ‘driving’
How much can a man talk during the act without being a turn off to his partner?
By -tony masikonde 11 years ago
Men should shut up when ‘driving’
Women always get what they want
Beep! Beep! My phone rang signalling that I had a message. This was the magic sound I had been waiting the entire Friday afternoon.
By -tony masikonde 11 years ago
Women always get what they want
Men are dogs after all
Last week, yours truly was stuck in traffic and with nothing particularly appealing to watch out for (where are all the good legged women when you are bored in traffic jam).
By By Tony Masikonde 11 years ago
Men are dogs after all
Brayo in trouble as girlfriend seeks baby, marriage
Whoever lied to Kenyan women that an intimate relationship should only take them to the altar and to the bank; and that if it takes them to the kitchen and to bed, then they should say no to slavery, did them a huge disservice. As far as I am concerned, if you can’t cook and you are pathetic in bed, I have no business ‘wifing’. I also refuse to pay for substandard ‘services’”.
By Tony Masikonde 11 years ago
Brayo in trouble as girlfriend seeks baby, marriage
Gynaecologist sparks angry family war
“Mark’s wife changed her gynaecologist from an old toothless dog to a hunk, without consulting him”
By -Tony Masikonde 11 years ago
Gynaecologist sparks angry family war
Mark’s wife falls into her own trap
There is a popular saying in Africa that you cannot entrust your goats to a leopard.
By -Tony Masikonde 11 years ago
Mark’s wife falls into her own trap
A braggart’s invite to the President’s luncheon
The whole of last week, Frao told all who cared to listen about his invitation to a State luncheon to fete the incoming administration. Like everyone else, I thought he had had one too many.
By -Tony Masikonde 11 years ago
A braggart’s invite to the President’s luncheon
Intern doctor Desree Moraa buried
By Stanley Ongwae
22 mins ago
Union unveils smart cane for visually impaired
Arts & Culture
By Sharon Wanga
1 hr ago
Innovator rolls out cargo app for importers
By Nanjinia Wamuswa
1 hr ago
Ruto's adviser at the centre of Adani saga
By Kamau Muthoni
1 hr ago
Revealed: The faces behind fake cement trade
Financial Standard
By Macharia Kamau
1 hr ago
Race against time as Gachagua allies seek deal with Ruto
By Benjamin Imende
1 hr ago
Why banks have cut lending to customers
By Brian Ngugi
1 hr ago