
Smoker fined Sh1.3 million for throwing butts out of his house’s window

SINGAPORE: Singapore has fined a smoker $15,000 (Sh1,350,000 at the current exchange rate) for throwing cigarette butts out of his flat window, the National Environment Agency said, the highest ever such fine.

The man was fined S$600 per cigarette for the first 33 offences, and ordered to do community service for the 34th, all committed within four days, the agency said.

The 38-year-old smoker, who was caught on surveillance camera, will have to clean a public area for five hours wearing a bright vest bearing the words "Corrective Work Order".

Singapore, famous for its cleanliness, cracks down hard on even minor crimes like littering and vandalism, which is punishable by caning, and bans the import of chewing gum, in part to keep its public areas spotless.

The agency said on its website it deployed surveillance cameras at nearly 600 locations and took 206 enforcement actions against offenders for high-rise littering in 2014.

It did not say which floor the smoker lived on.