Committee on Appointments approves Oduor, Asukul cabinet nominations

Attorney-General nominee Dorcas Agik Oduor before the Committee on Appointments. [(Elvis Ogina, Standard]

The National Assembly Committee on Appointments has approved the nominations of Dorcas Oduor and Beatrice Askul as the Attorney General and East African Community Affairs and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary, respectively.

While presenting the report, National Assembly Minority Leader Junet Mohamed stated that the committee found the two fit to hold their respective positions following their vetting last Friday.

"This house approves the appointment of the following persons: Beatrice Asukul Moe as Cabinet Secretary for East African Community Affairs and Regional Development, and Dorcas Oduor as the Attorney General," Junet stated.

The National Assembly plenary is now expected to approve the two nominations, after which their names will be forwarded to President William Ruto for gazetting and subsequent appointment.

Once appointed, Oduor, who until her nomination was the Secretary of Public Prosecutions, will become Kenya's first female Attorney General.