Ruto assents to Appropriation Bill, 2024

President William Ruto. [PCS]

President William Ruto has assented to the Appropriations Bill of 2024 at State House, Nairobi.

The Bill, which is intended to guide appropriations for monies in the 2024/2025 financial year, became law just a day after Ruto announced his decision to reject the 2024 Finance Bill.

In a statement issued on Friday, June 28, Ruto directed the Treasury to prepare supplementary estimates, reducing the country’s expenditure by Sh346 billion.

“I therefore assent to the Appropriation Bill 2024 and instruct the National Treasury to immediately prepare supplementary estimates to reduce expenditure by the amount of revenue amounting to Sh346 billion,” said Ruto.

The Head of State further directed the Treasury to submit amendments to the Division of Revenue Act 2024 to Parliament and referred the County Allocation & Revenue Bill for changes.

Furthermore, Treasury CS Njuguna Ndung'u is to direct all accounting officers to ensure that only critical and essential services are funded, capped at 15 percent.

According to Ruto, other services and sectors will have to wait until the supplementary budget is approved.

His remarks come in the wake of Anti-Finance Bill protests that were staged countrywide.

Among the demands made by Kenyans were the withdrawal of the Finance Bill, 2024, and the reduction of funds allocated to various offices and departments.

Ruto, bowing to pressure, rescinded and sent it back to Parliament.