Officer linked to warden's murder granted Sh 1.5 million bond

 Ali Ahmed Mohammed allegedly fired one bullet at the prison warden in the chest. [iStockphoto]

An Administration Police constable who allegedly shot and killed a prison warden at a drinking joint in Kitale town in February has been released on Sh1.5 million bond.

This is after Justice Reuben Nyakundi of the High Court in Eldoret accepted Ali Ahmed Mohammed's bond application.

The court, however, warned the officer against setting foot in Trans Nzoia county, where the crime was reportedly committed.

Last month, Mohammed who denied murder charges, pleaded with the court not to have him detained at a remand prison, saying he feared for his life as he is facing charges over the murder of a warden.

Through his advocate, the officer requested to be detained at a police station until his bond application is heard and determined.

According to the charge sheet, Mohammed is accused of allegedly killing Anthony Pkiror Areutum, 40, at Kitale township in Trans Nzoia county on February 27.

The accused allegedly fired one bullet at the prison warden in the chest killing him on the spot, using a revolver that he was carrying while on duty.

He is also reported to have shot and injured himself after committing the alleged offence.

Earlier on in court, there was a heated argument between the victim’s family and the lawyer for the suspect over where the trial of the case should be held.

The deceased’s father Elijah Areutum opposed an application for the matter to be heard and determined at the High Court in Eldoret for security reasons.

He told the court that the trial should be done in Kitale, where the incident happened, to save the family from transport costs from West Pokot to Eldoret.