Edwin Sifuna to skip State of the Nation address as Kenyans point out expectations

"Over 99 per cent of the speech should be on the cost of living and what the government is doing to make the situation better. Give us time frames...when we can expect things to get better," a Kenyan, Francis Mutegi said.

Some Kenyans feel that the president has not kept his campaign promises as aligned in the Kenya Kwanza manifesto.

"We chose him promising to change our lives but now even taking an ID is going to be difficult. Is this the bottom-up we chose? Why is the president making life unbearable for us?" poses Talia Bulemi, a Nakuru resident.

An activist, David Kuri opined; "He should address insecurity in Baringo County, the cost of living, and especially the cost of fuel."

At a recent Parliamentary Group meeting convened at State House by Ruto as the UDA Party leaders, the lawmakers discussed the high cost of living which has largely been attributed to the rise in fuel prices.

"As leaders, we didn't hesitate to tell the president about the high cost of living. So we should consider subsidising basic commodities," said Kesses MP Julius Ruto.