Kenya condemns Hamas attack on Israel

Smoke plumes rise over Gaza City on Oct. 7, 2023, during Israeli air strikes following a major attack on Israel by Hamas. [VOA]

Kenya has condemned an attack by Palestinian group Hamas over Israel describing it as a despicable terror attack.

The attack took place on Saturday morning after Hamas militants fired rockets into Israel from Palestine, with Israel responding with air strikes.

"Kenya strongly condemns the despicable terror attack against Israel and regrets the carnage and senseless loss of life," tweeted Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'oei.

He said that Kenya repudiates the planners, funders and implementers of what he called a heinous attack in Israel.

"While Israel has a right to retaliate, a peaceful path to resolving this unfortunate development is urged," the tweet read.

By Saturday evening, the Gaza Health Ministry was quoted by the press saying that 193 people had been killed and 1,610 in the strip.

The PS later released a statement from the Ministry in which they said that the attack by Hamas was unprovoked.

"This egregious act of violence has not only disrupted the fragile peace in the Middle East but also poses a significant threat to global peace and security," it reads.

According to Sing'oei, the attack has led to the loss of lives from both sides.

"This flagrant disregard for human life displayed by the attackers is deeply troubling and is an affront to the values that underpin our shared humanity."

He said that Kenya supports all international efforts aimed at achieving a long-lasting solution between Israel and Palestine while calling for a cease-fire between the two sides.

"Kenya strongly believes in the principles of constructive dialogue, negotiation and diplomacy as the only means to resolve conflicts and disputes."

He called on the international community to double their efforts to find a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the conflict between the two nations.

"Kenya urges the United Nations, the Quartet on the Middle East and all relevant stakeholders to intensify their diplomatic efforts to facilitate a peaceful resolution."