Uhuru, Raila raise Sh2m to support victims of police brutality

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga honour victims of police brutality at SKM centre in Karen, Nairobi. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard]

A total of Sh4 million has been raised by Azimio la Umoja coalition leaders to a fund set up to help victims of police brutality during anti-government protests.

Announcing the launch of the Citizen Emergency Fund kitty on Friday, July 28, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka stated that former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Azimio leader Raila Odinga have contributed Sh1 million each towards the kitty.

Kalonzo has contributed Sh500,000 while members of Parliament under the coalition have contributed a sum total of Sh1.5 million.

"I want to acknowledge with grateful thanks the contribution of our brother Uhuru Kenyatta of Sh1 million, and of our brother Raila Odinga of another Sh1million, and I'm escorting them with half a million shillings, " announced Kalonzo at the SKM centre in Nairobi during a mass to honour slain victims of the protests.

Former Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa pledged Sh200,000 to the fund.

Azimio has since urged Kenyans to support the kitty, as they continue to mourn, celebrate and pray for the victims.

The coalition also asked Kenyans to append their signatures on the Tumechoka website revealing that so far, 8.2 million people had already signed the petition.

Both Raila and Uhuru were in attendance at the requiem service in Nairobi.