Ichungwah to Uhuru: Ruto does not need your advice

Ichungwah said that Ruto does not need any advice from the former president whom he supported for 10 years only to turn against him and put hurdles in his State House bid which he was able to surmount and eventually got elected as the fifth President.

"You get invited if you have got worthy advice to give anyone, in this case the only advice the President can get is about state capture, self and family ahead of country and handshakes to facilitate looting," he said.

Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina said that Ruto's narrative of Uhuru sponsoring protests is lame and a red herring since the former President was busy living his life and should be left to enjoy retirement in peace after serving the country with dedication.

Kina asked the President Ruto to focus on lowering the cost of living terming as the reasons as to why Kenyans have taken to the streets in most parts of the country.

Former Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu said that Uhuru should acknowledge the fact that he was unsuccessful in stopping Ruto from being president and must now step back and let him run the country.