
Moi Girls Isinya: What Wavinya Ndeti, Peris Tobiko and Mary Senata have in common

Moi Girls Isinya is an AIC-sponsored secondary school with 957 students, up from 200 when it started. The school is located in Isinya, Kajiado County. The public school was established in 1980 by the Africa Inland Church to address the educational needs of girls in Maasai land. 

Over the years, the institution evolved into a modern school with a strong culture of good performance in national exams. The school is also making waves in extra-curricular activities like music. During the Kasuku Talent Show, they topped in the fashion and design category.

The students eat food grown on their farm on the 53.9 acres of land on which the school is built. Also known as the Redsville, Moi Girls Isinya has had one uniform since it was established. The nickname is derived from their uniform colour. They wear red skirts, maroon sweaters, white blouses and white striped maroon ties. The prefects however wear red ties and black sleeveless sweaters. 

One of the philosophies of the school is to harness knowledge in all subjects for service to humanity. And PETITE describes the core values of the school. PETITE is short for Professionalism Excellence Teamwork Integrity Trust and Environmental conversation. 

Among notable alumni of Moi Girls Isinya are Kajiado MP Peris Tobiko, nominated senator Mary Senata and Wavinya Ndeti. Others who were guided by the motto "distinguished for excellence," include Harriet Njeri, a neurosurgeon at the Kenyatta National Hospital and Grace Saitoti, the minister for Trade in Kajiado County government.