To survive, we must safeguard foundational spiritual heritage

Congregation with their pastor at a revival [Courtesy]

Several events of the recent past point to an apparent concerted effort to destroy foundational values and tenets upon which many nations – including ours – were built. One such is the Swiss referendum last Sunday in which almost two thirds of voters agreed to legalise gay marriages, making Switzerland one of the last Western European nations on this path to societal degeneration.

For Bible readers, one of the saddest records of Israel’s societal relapse is in the Book of Judges and reads in part, “The people served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had seen all the great things the LORD had done for Israel. After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. They did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals. They forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of Egypt.” Herein is a perfect example of what can happen to a society when the baton of foundational values and religious practices fall through the crack between generations.

Many nations in Western Europe and America had such strong biblical foundations that it was to be found in almost every aspect of their culture and governance systems. It is instructive, for example, that whereas a national flag represents a vital part of a nation’s history and its people, over 30 countries have the cross on their flags. Of these, Switzerland displays perhaps the strongest Christian statement on its flag – with a bold white cross on a bare red background – believed to symbolise the purifying power of the blood of Christ through the cross.

What drove this obsession with a Christian identity? History indicates that the founders of these nations took seriously the biblical words, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalms 33:12). They believed in the favour that accrues when God is placed at the centre of national life.

When the US was born in 1776, the fact of the unity of the colonies was so significant that they adopted the motto: “E pluribus unum - Out of Many, One,” to reflect unity as the foundation of their existence as a nation. However, during the Cold War with Soviet Union, Communism became an existential threat to American freedoms. Democrat Representative Charles Edward Bennett introduced a Bill in the House in which he argued that "[in] these days when imperialistic and materialistic communism seeks to attack and destroy freedom, we should continually look for ways to strengthen the foundations of our freedom". His proposal was that the declaration "In God we trust" be printed on all banknotes and struck on all coins.

Thus in July 1955, Congress passed a law – which was approved by President Dwight Eisenhower – requiring that "In God We Trust" appears on all American currency. In 1956, it became the national motto by law. In recent times, however, there has been a move to remove this motto from the currency and government documents. But a joint poll conducted a while back by USA Today, CNN, and Gallup, found that 90% of Americans still support "In God We Trust" as national motto. Interestingly, their faith seems to have been rewarded because in 1990, within less than 40 years, the walls of Communism came tumbling down, while American ideals lived on. And now, some of the fastest growing churches are to be found in Eastern Europe.

During the Constitution review process, the preamble in the original Ghai draft stated, “We, the people of Kenya...RECOGNIZING the Sovereignty of the people and the Supremacy of the Constitution…” However, the Church worked hard and had this changed to read, “We, the people of Kenya...RECOGNIZING the Supremacy and Sovereignty of the Almighty God of all creation…” Because the destiny of a nation cannot be founded on the supremacy of a document.

Unfortunately, across the globe, a new generation is arising that cares little about God. A strong anti-God, and more specifically, antichrist spirit has sprung up that is intent on turning national values upside down. It behoves the older generation to up our game if the foundations are not to be demolished.