
Police imposter Joshua Waiganjo acquitted

Joshua Waiganjo has been accused of impersonating a senior police officer. [File, Standard]

Joshua Waiganjo, the man who was accused of masquerading as a police officer and the former Rift Valley Provincial police boss John M'mbijiwe have been acquitted today at Nakuru Court.

The ruling was delivered by principal magistrate Joe Omido from Kwale courts via video conferencing.

“If the accused persons were to be placed on their defense, on any of the charges that they are faced with there would be no basis upon which any of them can be convicted on any of the charges if they were to offer nothing in defense , ”said magistrate Omido.

According to the accused persons this is a sigh of relief and the courts have granted them justice.

“The truth has come out, I was accused of a lot of things and called names but today is a good day. God has proved my innocence,” says Waiganjo

“The court has decided today, life has been hard I couldn’t associate with people because I was portrayed as a hoax, but today Kenyans will finally see that this was a manufactured case aimed to hurt me,” adds Waiganjo

“I said before that justice will be my shield and defender and true to the word of God it has come to pass, we have been vindicated by court, we have got no case to answer. This was a framed case but the court has said it all,” says M’mbijiwe.

Waiganjo was charged that on September 28 in 2012 he posed as an assistant commissioner of police. Other charges included being in possession of government stores contrary to section 36 of the penal code and in June the same year, he was found wearing a police uniform with the rank of an assistant commissioner of police.

For about 10 years it is said that Waiganjo roamed within Njoro town and Njoro police station acting as his “work station”.

He is said to have sacked and recruited police officers in Rift Valley province during his time.

In November 2012 he was finally uncovered after flying on a police helicopter to investigate a massacre of officers where at least 42 police officers were killed by cattle rustlers in the Suguta valley following a series of ethnic clashes between the Samburu and theTurkana.