
Ranch worker jailed, had zebra meat

Samwel Gichure at Nakuru GK Prisons (on screen) linked to Nakuru Law Courts via Zoom. [Daniel Chege/Standard]

A ranch caretaker found in possession of zebra meat has been imprisoned for three years by a Nakuru Court.

Samwel Gichure was found with 208 kilos of zebra meat worth Sh83,000 on November 21, 2018 in Soysambu Ranch without a permit from Kenya Wildlife Service.

Senior Resident Magistrate Yvonne Khatambi ruled the evidence was overwhelming as the accused was caught red handed slaughtering zebras and loading the meat on a motorcycle.

“Forensics proved the meat the man was trading was of the zebra, which is a wild animal,” ruled Khatambi.

Gichure, in his defence, said he was a victim of circumstances having been found at the crime scene and his accusers couldn’t pinpoint the real owners of the motorcycles or the meat. 

He said he was employed in the ranch as a caretaker. However, he never produced the owner to corroborate his defence. 

“The burden of proof is always with the prosecution. However, the accused failed to raise a strong defence. His defence is dismissed,” the magistrate ruled.