MP calls for prudent use of Covid-19 funds

Lurambi MP Bishop Titus Khamala (pictured) has called for the prudent use of money and resources allocated for the fight against the Covid-19 disease.

Voicing the concern today, the legislator called on the National Emergency Response Committee members to ensure that the resources raised from well-wishers should be used for intended purposes and not for personal gain.

“Kenyans have sacrificed their money by taking pay cuts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. We have information that some government officials are siphoning money meant to fight the virus. We have put you on notice and you will be accountable for your deeds,” said Mr Khamala.

Bishop Khamala was speaking in Kakamega town when he launched the exercise to distribute relief food, water and hand sanitisers targeting over 4,000 vulnerable families in Lurambi constituency worth Sh2 million.

“As MPs, our house and mileage allowances has been taken back to Treasury to be used in fighting the pandemic as well as contributions from corporates and well-wishers. Let’s not thrive whenever there’s a disaster and ensure the money is prudently spent,” said Khamala.

He also asked the government to allow the churches to be open so that they can pray to God to end the crisis the country is currently in.

“Let the government allow pastors and a few church elders to access their places of worship to pray for the country as they ensure social distancing rule is adhered to. Covid-19 is a demon and can only be fought through prayers,” said the Bishop.

He gave an example of Tanzania where President John Pombe Magufuli allowed churches to continue with their services so long as they maintain the social distance rule. He held that God had answered their prayers as they have reported few cases of Covid-19.

Tanzania has so far recorded only 24 cases whereas Kenya has 179 cases, of which, four have recovered and six have lost their lives to the pandemic.