Fears as hippos invade villages in Rarieda

Residents of Rarieda are living in fear following invasion of hippos in the area.

They are now calling on the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to intervene and save them from the marauding beasts. 

According to the residents of Omia Malo Sub-location, the hippos have been invading their farms in search of food.

Farmers from Asembo Kokise, Bwaja and Miyare villages are most affected by the hippos, which have been destroying their farms.

Speaking to The Standard, the residents led by Vincent Oredo and Jack Alaka, said that apart from destroying crops, the hippos have invaded homesteads and they are now fearing for their lives.

Ochieng Riako, a farmer in Asembo Kokise, said they were worried about the safety of their children who go to school early in the morning, as they could be attacked by the animals.

Contain situation

“The animals that walk in a herd of between five to eight usually come out at night to look for food,” said Riako.

Farmers are now pleading with the government to act quickly and contain the situation.

“We will be forced to deal with the wild animals on our own in case the authorities fail to do so,” they added.

Residents want a KWS office established in Rarieda Sub-county to help contain the rise of human-wildlife conflict.