
Sapit to join ACK's top organ

Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop head Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit leads a mass at All Saints Cathedral Church. [Edward Kiplimo/Standard]

The head of Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit has been elected to a top position in the global Anglican Church.

Sapit was on Monday elected to the standing committee of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC).

ACC is one of the top four organs in the global Anglican Communion. The other three are Primates’ Meeting, Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops, and Archbishop of Canterbury.

Elections to those four top organs are done by primates in the Anglican Communion. They consist of senior archbishops, bishops, and churches' moderators.

Sapit will, therefore represent Africa in the council.

Archbishop Justin Welby is the president of ACC by virtue of being the head of the global communion.

He is also an ex-officio member of the standing committee.

ACC meets every three years, bringing together bishops, junior clergymen and the laity from the Anglican Communion’s 40-member churches.