
Egerton university students go on a rampage over an exams memo

Egerton University students went on a rampage on Wednesday morning after the university threatened to defer students who made fee payments after the closure of its online portal two weeks ago.

Through a written memo that was circulated on social media platforms by Egerton students’ council chair Henry Mulyungi and his team, the students demanded the administration to reopen the student's portal for them to pay their school fees and register for units.

It also requested the administration to defer exam card system and instead go with stamped fee statements in exam rooms.

According to the student leaders, over five thousand students were set to be deferred to the next academic year starting September 2020.

“We hereby direct all students to assemble at the student center at 11 am today December 4 for continuous picketing until students' concerns are addressed,” read the memo.

The exams were set to kick off tomorrow Thursday for Main Campus Njoro and Town campus on Monday.

Attempts to reach the management for comment were futile as they were holed up in a crisis meeting with the students' council.