Petition: State told to probe gay funds

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights activists during a past event in Nairobi in May 2019. [David Gichuru, Standard]

Faith-based organisations and religious institutions want the Government to investigate the source of money for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights organisations in the country.

Through a petition to Parliament, the organisations want the Government to intervene and stop the activities organisation that have been wiring money to LGBT rights campaigners in the country and to recommend its suspension.

It specifically identifies Open Society Foundation, Astraea (a lesbian foundation based in Canada), HIVOS (a Dutch foundation) and Tides (an American firm) as some of the ‘key stakeholders in the LGBTQ agenda in Kenya.’

“The undersigned, on behalf of faith based organisations and religious institutions draw the attention of the House that the preamble of the Constitution, which acknowledges the supremacy of the Almighty God and commits to nurturing and protecting the well being of the individual, family, communities and the nation.

“Therefore your humble petitioner pray that the National Assembly, through the departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs establishes from the CEO of the NGO Coordination Board the status and annual funding of LGBTQ1 agenda in Kenya…,” reads the petition tabled by nominated MP Jeniffer Shamalla on behalf of the petitioners.

The organisations sponsoring the petition have, however, not been identified.