Flights to JKIA diverted after radar failure

Air traffic.

Several flights to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) have been diverted to Mombasa and Kisumu airports after a radar failure.

Sources reveal radar system operated by KCAA went down at 5.15 pm and attempts to restore it have taken longer than expected.

Due to the hitch passengers at the airport have been stranded for last hour.

In a statement KCAA confirmed that two flights were diverted, one, flying from Mombasa International Airport to JKIA was returned back to Mombasa, and another from Eldoret International Airport diverted to Kisumu International Airport.

“Nine flights were delayed on the ground at JKIA and two on the ground at Kisumu International Airport, while fifteen (15) were put on holding patterns in the air,” read part of the statement

KCAA said the hitch was encountered after an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) unit for the Radar Air Traffic Control system at JKIA developed a fault.

“The Radar was turned off to allow for replacement. The UPS was replaced after 41 minutes and is up and running. It took 1hr35min to stabilise systems and normal air service resumed,” KCAA Director General Gilbert Kibe said.