
Governor Nyong'o kicks out Health minister over poor performance

Sacked: Kisumu County Executive member for health Rosemary Obara. [Collins Oduor/Standard]

Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong’o has replaced his Executive Committee Member for Health, Dr Rosemary Obara over what he termed as search for a better manager.

In a statement issued today, Governor Nyong'o announced that he nominated University lecturer Prof Judith Miguda-Attyang' to replace Dr Obara.

Prof Miguda-Atyang', will now have to wait for a clearance from the County Assembly to formally take over the docket.

Besides lecturing at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Prof Miguda-Ayttyang' is also a member of the Inter-governmental Relations Technical Committee.

A press release to media houses did not clarify if the former Medical Officer of Health in Nyando had been moved to a different post or sacked.

The statement cited better management of the docket as reason for her dismissal which followed months of complaints on how she was running the docket.

“Pursuant to powers of conferred by Articles 179 (2) (B) of the Constitution and Section 30 of (2) (d) of the County Government Act 2012 and for furtherance quality health service delivery and management the governor has nominated Professor Attyang to serve as the CEC Health”, the statement read.

The County Director of Communication Aloice Ager said Dr Obara was replaced because the governor believed the docket needed better handling.

Her fate, he said, would be looked into, having been picked from the civil service.

Kisumu is among four counties piloting the Universal Health Coverage scheme whose implementation has remained clouded in confusion in the county as some hospitals charged for some of the services that ought to b free under UHC.

“The health docket is also one of Governor Nyong’o’s legacy projects. He wants the docket reorganized to make the referral system work through a lot of effort on grassroots health initiatives of disease prevention and early diagnosis and treatment. To this end he has hired and put on the county payroll 2500 community health workers.”