
Mombasa police net 1,705 rolls of bhang in Shanzu

Police have seized 1,705 rolls of bhang valued at Sh682,000 at a house in Shanzu.

The consignment had been hidden in bags waiting to be distributed to various coastal towns.

Two suspects associated with the drugs have already been arrested. 

Mombasa Police Commander Johnstone Ipara said the bhang was confiscated.

Ipara said they caught up with the suspects when police raided their house in Mombasa, where the drugs were hidden.

Ipara said the bhang was from Bungoma, and was to be distributed in Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale. “They had packed the bhang in bags disguising it with toilet deodorizers,” Ipara said.

One of the suspects, according to the police boss, had been arrested last year for drug trafficking, and is out on bond. 

“The lady is not a first time offender, so we are going to make a special request to the court that she remains in police custody until the case is concluded,” said Ipara.

Elsewhere, police are holding a guard on suspicion of collaborating with robbers to steal from his employee.

The man who guards a home in Kizingo is said to have brought in robbers in the absence of his employee.

According to Ipara, the owners of the house had gone out on Friday morning. When they came in the evening, they met two thieves packing items into a car on their compound.

They raised alarm as the thieves fled. Ipara said the guard has been arrested.