Turkana journalist flees after source is 'abducted'

A Lodwar-based journalist has gone into hiding after a source he interviewed over disappearance of relief food was allegedly abducted.

The said relief supplies were meant for hunger-stricken residents of Turkana County.

Emmanuel Cheboit said the source identified as Benedictus Maraka was kidnapped in an attempt to make him recant his statement that the relief food had been stolen.

The journalist, speaking on the telephone from his hideout, said he went underground for fear the "hit men" might go for him.

"I felt I was not safe after unknown people abducted a source who had narrated to me how the food disappeared. I fear for my life. This is not the first time journalists have been threatened here,” Mr Cheboit said.

He said no one had threatened him, but that he decided to go into hiding as a precaution.

An undated three-minute video clip that went viral on social media shows a frail-looking and frightened Maraka in a deserted place, refuting claims that county officials were involved in theft of relief food.

Days earlier, he had been quoted as saying: "Shame on the thieves who stole relief food."

Media Council of Kenya Deputy CEO Victor Bwire said it was unacceptable to target journalists doing their jobs.