Chaos in Narok town as matatu operators demonstrate

Matatu operators demonstrate in Narok town. [Photo, Robert Kiplagat]

Business in Narok town came to a standstill Saturday morning after members of a matatu company staged demonstration protesting the closing down of their new stage by the area county government under unclear circumstances.

The Narok Line Services Limited woke up to a rude shock to find that the Hass Petrol Station where they recently relocated to after moving from Shell Petrol station had been filled with stones making it inaccessible.

According to Anthony Torome an official of the Sacco told The Standard that their drivers who had reported to work in the wee hours of the morning found the stage completely sealed off with hard core stones.

“We are shocked that we cannot access our stage at Hass Petrol Station.The station is filled with stones ferried by county tippers and some structures destroyed,” said Torome.

He added that they were never served with any notice accusing them of breaching any law by the authorities adding that the move has led them to losses worth millions as their vehicles failed to ferry passengers.

The official said the company has been in operation for over 30 years and has never bridged any law speculating that one of their rival matatu sacco might have colluded with some county officials to frustrate them.

The Hass Petrol station has been hosting other public service vehicles heading to Eldoret, Kericho, Bomet, Ewaso Nyiro  who were also affected by the closure of the fuel business.

The incident however caused chaos in the town as the matatu operators engaged in running battles with the police who lobbed teargas canisters on the rioters.

In a statement the Hass Petroleum Group Country Manager Mohamed Billow announced that the station has officially been closed to pave way for investigations.

“We would like to confirm that on Friday our retail station in Narok was invaded by unknown individuals who proceeded  to destroy our forecourt,equipment and branding elements consequently halting our business,”read the statement.

Mr Billow has also asked the relevant authorities to investigate the matter and ensure that the perpetrators behind the incident are brought to book.

He also asked the county government to assure them and other investors in the county to avert such incidents that affect businesses.

Area MCA Bernard Torome and County Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) Chairman David Mpatiany intervened and called for a lasting solution to the problem.

“That a government or individuals can do such a thing to investors is inhuman.I want to assure you that the drivers who ferried the stones using the county tippers will be sacked,”said the MCA.

Mr Mpatiany on his part called on the county to rehabilitate the main stage so as to accommodate all the PSV vehicles.