
Bunyasi tells County Government to give farmers subsizised fertilizers

Nambale MP Sakwa Bunyasi address the media outside St Elizabeth A.C.K Bukalama. [Photo:Ignatius Odanga/Standard]

Nambale lawmaker John Sakwa Bunyasi has urged Busia County government to provide local farmers with subsidized farm inputs.

Bunyasi said agriculture is a devolved function therefore devolved unit has an obligation of distributing fertilizer to farmers in the region at an affordable price.

Speaking at St Elizabeth A.C.K Bukalama in Matayos Constituency on Sunday the MP observed that planting season was due but the county has remained silent particularly on the issue about fertilizer.

"As way of promoting agriculture like other counties have done Busia should provide local farmers with farm inputs because there are many needy farmers who should be assisted," said Bunyasi.

The MP said farmers have had to dig deep in their pockets to buy seeds and fertilizer at an exorbitant price in agrovets.

"We hope the county government is going to address the matter so that the situation does not remain the same," the lawmaker said.

The County executive for Agriculture Moses Osia said the department has not budgeted for subsidized fertilizer due to financial constraints.

He however said farmers from humble background have received various seeds. "The allocation for agriculture was not enough so if we were to assist then we would target vulnerable farmers only who cannot afford basic farm inputs," said Osia.

Last week, a number of farmers in Marachi East received some maize seeds ahead of the planting season. Spot check by The Standard revealed that farmers in Busia were buying Di-Ammonium Phosphate fertilizer at Sh3, 200 and cheapest maize seeds are being retailed at Sh500.

There also have been concerns from the local farmers that tractors the county government bought to help in ploughing have developed mechanical problem and currently being repaired in garage.

Mr Osia in response said of the 18 county purchased only four are not working.

He said the 15 are functioning and maintained that three more have been purchased