
Counties eye cheaper fertiliser for farmers

Two counties in Western Kenya have set aside Sh500 million to buy subsidised fertiliser.

Kakamega and Bungoma counties have started the procurement process for the farm input that will be distributed to farmers before the planting season begins.

“We intend to procure at least 94,000 bags of DAP fertiliser and another 90,000 bags of CAN for top dressing,” said Kakamega Deputy Governor Philip Kutima.

He said Kakamega County would buy the fertiliser at Sh3,600 for a 50kg bag, but farmers would be expected to pay half the price for the same.

“We must have the programme because the national government indefinitely suspended importation of cheap fertiliser this season, thus throwing farmers into panic,” said Prof Kutima.

The Kakamega County will also buy a variety of maize seeds and share among farmers.

“Farmers from upper Kakamega, including Lugari, Likuyani, Malava and Navakholo, are advised to go for the six series such as 614, while those in lower Kakamega, in places like Ikolomani, Matungu, Butere and Mumias East should go for the five series as recommended by experts,” he said.

Bungoma Agriculture Executive Mathews Makanda said failure by the national government to provide the commodity meant the devolved units had to come to the aid of the farmers.

Mr Makanda said they had targeted 400 farmers from each of Bungoma’s 45 wards. “We have targeted close to 18,000 households,” he said.

Bungoma has spent Sh94 million to acquire cheap fertiliser that was distributed free of charge to disadvantaged farmers.