A meeting convened between traffic police and tuk-tuk operators Thursday in Likoni failed to bear any fruits.
The two groups ended up exchanging bitter words. All started well at around 11am outside the tuk-tuk operators' offices in Likoni.
National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) and the police were guiding the operators through traffic regulations.
But the meeting turned stormy when operators were given a chance to address the officers about their plight.
They started to accuse the officers of harassment. Claiming that the officers were arresting them arbitrarily on flimsy excuses.
One operator faced the regional police boss and narrated how the traffic police had made his work difficult: “Sir, the officers are hunting us as like criminals. Kindly explain to us what kind of laws you are following."
Another operator, David Kiania, claimed the officers were making millions by taking bribes from the operators.
"Three Land Cruisers arrive here at least three times a day. They arrest us, take us to the station, and there you will only be freed after parting with between Sh3000 and Sh5000," said Mr Kiana.
In response, regional traffic police boss Jattani Wako asked the Likoni OCS to investigate the matter and prepare a report.