Hippo kills fisherman who survived crocodile attack

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Residents of Usoma Beach, Kisumu county cover the body of Hamisi Omar with water weed at the shore of Lake Victoria after his body was discovered. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

A fisherman was has been killed by a hippo at Usoma beach in Kisumu West, a year after he survived a crocodile attack at the same point.

Hamisi Omari, 23, was fishing in Lake Victoria on Wednesday morning with Andrew Oduor.

Barely 10 minutes after the two got into the water, a hippo hit the boat, throwing Mr Omari into the water. The animal then attacked him. His body was found yesterday.

“We suspect the hippo delivered recently and that is why it was so wild,” said Mr Oduor. “Omari was at the back of the boat. The attack happened so fast that I could not help him.”

Omari was said to have spent three months in hospital after the crocodile attack and had just returned to fishing.