Why you are experiencing a bad vaginal smell

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  • Vaginal odor is a topic that most people hardly talk about. Some women tend to believe that a vagina should be odorless.
  •  That is not the truth as a vagina should have a natural, mild and neutral smell. However, sometimes we may experience a strong unpleasant smell coming from down there.

This can be embarrassing especially if you do not know what is causing it. It is even more embarrassing opening to another person about your ‘little personal problem’. So many women stick with their smelly ‘cookie-jars’ without knowing the cause for fear of judgement and isolation.

According to WebMD, here are some of the reasons you may be having a smelly vagina:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis

The prime culprit of vaginal smell is an infection called bacterial vaginosis. Most women have most definitely suffered from this infection as it is pretty common. Bacterial vaginosis is basically an overgrowth of the natural occurring bacteria in our vaginas. Signs that you are having BV are a fishy odor from your lady bits, a thin white or gray discharge and a burning sensation while urinating or having intercourse.

  1. Poor feminine hygiene:

It is possible that your lady smells because of poor hygiene. Mostly, lack of cleaning down there properly. We know that the groin area sweats a lot. This is because your external genitals have a special kind of gland called apocrine sweat glands which secrete an oily fluid that’s metabolized by bacteria on your skin, letting off a noticeable smell. So make sure you pay keen attention to that area when showering.

  1. Foods that you eat

Just like the foods you eat affects your mouth’s smell, armpits smell and feet smell, it equally affects how your vagina smells. Research shows that foods with strong scents like chilies, pepper, garlic, onion, blue cheese, cabbage, fish, and broccoli tend to have the most impact. If you feel like whatever you are eating is causing you that bad smell, then you may need to drop it from your diet.

  1. Hormonal changes

The period when we are having our periods and the period that we are 9ovulating it is highly possible to experience an unpleasant smell from there. The smell should go after a while but if it causes you distress you may need to see your doctor. Women undergoing menopause also tend to experience hormonal imbalance hence the smell.

  1. Forgotten tampon

A forgotten tampon is something most of us can relate to. It happens. This results to a buildup of menstrual blood which in turn causes irritation, itching and a very strong unpleasant smell. Change your tampons regularly to avoid this occurrence.