
Siaya MCAs approve Oburu Odinga's son as CEC for Enterprise and Industry

Dr. Oburu Odinga

Siaya County Assembly has approved Dr Oburu Odinga’s son -Jaoko Oburu - as the Executive nominee for Enterprise and Industry. The vetting and appointment committee however rejected two other nominees - Adrian Ouma (Physical planning, Lands and Urban Development) and Dismas Wakla (Governance and Administration). This is the second time the Assembly has rejected the two nominees.

The Executive comprise six members out of which, five have already been sworn in. They include Charles Ogada (Agriculture), Joseph Warega (Finance), Bernard Mboha (Roads and public works), Mary Omondi and Elizabeth Odhiambo of the Education and Tourism dockets respectively.

Governor Cornel Rasanga had returned Jaoko’s name for fresh vetting alongside the other two after placing him in a different docket. Initially, he had been nominated for Tourism but it was argued that he was not fit for the portfolio.

On Friday, while tabling the third report of the vetting of Executive committee nominee for debate, MCA Sylvester Madialo (Usonga) considered a number of factors before making their decision.

“He confirmed to the committee that he possesses requisite knowledge and experience in tourism and that he would be more comfortable in the docket,” said Madialo.

He said the committee also put him to task given his links with the Odinga family.

“He told us that, he merits the position on the basis of his academic qualifications, experience and satisfactorily meeting other requirements of law,” Madialo said.

On rejection of the two nominees, the committee argued that they failed to meet key constitutional requirements.