
Construction of Sh99m Nyamasaria road kicks off in Kisumu

Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyongo (PHOTO: Standard)

NAIROBI, KENYA: The construction of the Sh99 million Nyamasaria -Magadi- Manyatta road is set to start after owners of houses erected on road reserves begun to demolish them.

Several roadside kiosks and houses that stands on the tarmac way were on Thursday pulled down to pave way for the construction of the 2.1 kilometer road.

The county authorities led by the deputy governor Mathews Owili and City Manager Dorrice Ombara commissioned the road's project last month but work had not started.

“The contractor was still waiting for people to give way for the project to kick off and now that they have started to comply construction may start any time,” said Ombara.

A spot check by Standard on Thursday shows roadside kiosks, houses and gates that either overlap to main road or fall within the tarmac lines being pulled down.

This is in compliance with the County government of Kisumu's order to the owners to pull-down the structures to allow infrastructural developments be undertaken.

County Roads Executive Thomas Ondijo and Housing counterpart Nelly Achar had asked the land lords and tenants of the affected houses to give room for the project

The project is being financed by the French government through Kisumu urban Project,(KUP) and is aimed at improving and increasing access roads linking the city estates.

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