NASA elected leaders in Narok, Kajiado to use salaries to fund Raila campaigns

ODM Senator Ledama ole Kina at Siana Ward in Narok West. He says he will be leading other Maasai legislators in Narok, Kajiado fundraiser for Raila campaign. PHOTO:ROBERT KIPLAGAT.

Opposition elected leaders in Narok and Kajiado will forgo their first salaries amounting to over Sh100 million to finance the campaign of their presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, in the two counties.

Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina (ODM), who is the head of Raila's campaign secretariat in the two counties, said the elected leaders of the National Super Alliance (NASA), who will lead the campaign, will not need any funding from Raila.

"We are ready to campaign for Raila by all means and we are sure that the Maasai will unanimously deliver Narok to NASA, as it happened in 2013," said Ledama.

The senator's sentiments comes barely a day after the Jubilee brigade, led by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto, held an impromptu political rally in Narok town where they asked local residents to vote them again.

However, it seems the NASA team will have an uphill task in Narok after former governorship aspirants Patrick Ntutu (CCM) and Joseph Tiampati (ODM) recently announced their support for Jubilee. Ledama termed the decision by the duo as 'selfish'.