
Wiper Party fails to clinch most seats in Machakos County

Maendeleo Chap Chap party leader and Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua casts his vote at Mathatani Primary School in Mua Hills, Machakos County, on Tuesday. [John Muia, Standard]

The Wiper party has suffered a blow in MachakosCounty afte it losing the governor's seat to Maendeleo Chap Chap Party of Governor Alfred Mutua.

Results released by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) indicate Wiper did not have total sway in other seats apart from the presidential one where NASA candidate Raila Odinga  garnered over 80 per cent of the vote.

The party’s candidate and former Kathiani MP Wavinya Ndeti, who enjoyed the support of top NASA leadership, failed to wrest the governorship from the incumbent, Alfred Mutua, who contested on a Maendeleo Chap Chap party ticket.

Retained seat

By yesterday evening, Mr Mutua was leading with 243,841 votes against Ms Ndeti’s 204,419. Ndeti says she will petition the results.

In Machakos Town constituency, Jubilee’s Victor Munyaka won with 43,970 votes against Wiper’s Ulbanus Mutisya, who garnered 22,235 votes.

The Muungano Party candidate for the Kangundo parliamentary seat, Fabian Muli, defeated the incumbent, Kyengo Maweu of Wiper, who came a distant third after Jubilee’s Rose Wambua who polled second.

Muli managed 15,354 votes.

In Mwala Vincent Musyoka retained his seat  on a Maendeleo Chap Chap party ticket to beat his strongest opponent, Wiper’s Daniel Muoki, who is a former area MP.

Mr Musyoka garnered 35,724 votes while Mr Muoki got 14,575.

In Yatta, former MP Charles Kilonzo, who contested as an independent candidate, bounced back with 17,878 votes after beating his opponents, including the incumbent, Francis Mwangangi.

However, Wiper secured seats in Matungulu (Stephen Mule), Kathiani (Robert Mbui), Masinga (Joshua Mwalyo) and Mavoko (Patrick Makau).

Joyce Kamene also secured the woman representative seat on a Wiper ticket.

In the senatorial race, lawyer Boniface Kabaka of Chama Cha Uzalendo emerged victorious after garnering 158,777 votes.

[Erastus Mulwa]