Nelson Marwa threatens to arrest Governor Joho over 22-acre plot dispute

Coast Regional Coordinator Nelson Marwa (left) flanked by Coast Region Traffic Commandant Emmanuel Okanda during a meeting in Mombasa. Photo/Kelvin Karani

Coast Regional Co-ordinator Nelson Marwa has threatened to arrest Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho following a dispute over a 22.5-acre parcel of land.

The land is at the centre of a tussle between the county government, the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) and a third party.

Mr Marwa took issue with county officials who pulled down part of the perimeter wall erected by KBC around the disputed plot.

But Antony Njaramba, who is the acting Lands executive, yesterday accused Marwa of wading into a court matter to promote the interests of one side.

Mr Njaramba claimed Marwa was accompanied to the press conference with one of the parties to the court dispute and accused him of raising irrelevant political issues to cover up the real intention of yesterday's briefing.

In a press conference, Marwa claimed that the county government hired gangs to pull down the wall KBC was erecting on the plot.

He also accused Mr Joho of disrespecting President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto.

"Joho is not a special governor among the 47 elected ones. He should concentrate on leading his county and stop insulting the President and his deputy," Marwa told the press in Mombasa, where he also accused journalists of irresponsible reporting.


Marwa accused Joho, who is the ODM deputy party leader, of antagonising the national government and alleged that other coastal governors had shown respect for Uhuru's administration.

He claimed the county government had prevented a contractor hired by KBC to put up the perimeter wall last week.

"The county government led hired goons in pulling down part of the wall that was being erected and briefly detained workers who were putting it up the last week," Marwa said, while insisting that the land legally belonged to KBC.

"Taxpayers' money has been lost in the process when a gang caused wanton destruction to construction work," Marwa said.

But yesterday, Njaramba accused Marwa of misrepresenting the truth about the land.

Njaramba said the law required everyone to secure approvals from the county government before constructing anything on public land.

"We should not treat anyone in a special manner. All should follow regulations and KBC has not received any documents to make any developments on the land," Njaramba said, adding that he informed the State broadcaster to stop construction on the property two weeks ago and it had promised to comply with the directive.

During a visit to the disputed site last week, Joho insisted that there was a dispute regarding ownership of the land.