Remedies for ingrown hairs

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If you shave or wax, at some point in your life you’ve experienced ingrown hairs, especially if you have curly hair. Ingrown hairs can cause uncomfortable and embarrassing bumps, also known as razor bumps.

They occur when a hair curls back into the skin rather than growing out, and this results in a bump that looks like a pimple. Ingrown hairs usually go away on their own, however, here are some remedies to speed up the healing process.


Exfoliate your skin weekly as this helps to lift hair out of your skin. Exfoliation also gets rid of dead skin cells, leaving a smoother surface. Avoid tight clothing like skinny jeans as your skin may react to the friction.

Shaving technique

Don’t shave skin which is already irritated or overly dry. If you have rashes or dry skin, heal your skin first before you shave. Use a good shaver and don’t store it in the bathroom as the heat and humidity may cause rusting and bacterial growth.

Don’t overuse an old shaver, discard it after about 3-5 uses, as blunt razors increase the likelihood of skin irritation. Shave lightly and avoid pressing the shaver down into your skin. When shaving, keep your strokes as smooth and as long as possible.

Shave in the direction of the hair’s natural growth not against it. Use a shaving gel, cream or oil rather than soap, as soap dries out your skin.

For your underarms avoid deodorant or perfume for at least 12 hours after shaving as these can irritate your skin. Apply unscented lotion to seal in moisture. Apply antiseptic under your arms after each shave. Use a gentle product like diluted hydrogen peroxide. If it is sore apply aloe vera gel or extra virgin coconut oil.


Sugar-olive oil scrub – mix one part oil to two parts sugar and add a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil. Gently scrub your skin for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Use this scrub once a week to get rid of ingrown hairs. Sugar helps to lift hairs from the follicles while the essential oils heal and disinfect the skin.

Tea tree oil – this oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent infection. Dilute a few drops of oil with water and apply on the affected area daily. Gently wipe off after 10 minutes.

Bicarbonate of soda – contains anti-inflammatory properties thereby soothing the skin. You can bath with a packet of bicarbonate added to your bath water, or make a paste by mixing one spoon of the powder with a little water. Apply it to the affected area and rinse of five minutes. This remedy can be used daily.

Salt - Put some in your bath when soaking for a refreshing experience. Especially pink Himalayan salt crystals are rejuvenating and the natural antiseptic properties help soothe raw irritated skin. The salt softens your skin and leaves it more supple. Follow with a heavy moisturizer like shea butter or cocoa butter.