Meet the most populated school in Kenya


Bungoma D.E.B primary school in Kanduyi Constituency in Bungoma County is the most populated public primary school in Kenya.

Speaking during state visit by Bungoma  County  deputy Governor Hillary Chonguony, head teacher Tobias Khisa said that the school has a total student population of 3218 pupils, a five streamed primary school.

He further added that the school also has the  largest number of registered students of 506 in the whole country. "The school has registered the largest number of Kenya Certificate for Primary Education (KCPE) from Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) records" he said.

He said that the school has been showing sterling performances, as last year it had a total population of 485 KCPE candidates and 79 of them qualified to join national schools. He added that the school has a potential to perform well as in 1998 it produced the best student in KNEC exams.

He however decried insufficient infrastructure facilities such as classes saying that students are populated in classes. "Classes have pupils ranging between 100 to 130 making it hard for learners and teachers" he said.

He called on the county government and national Government to help the school be a center of academic excellence.