
Why I am certain Jesus will return by 2031

In this second part, I offer compelling evidence as to why I believe Christ will return before 2040 and to be specific by 2031. Hopefully you have read the first part of this article. “Should we be expecting Jesus Christ before the year 2040?”  http://goo.gl/WMc9ci

First let’s revisit the happenings in the Garden of Eden at the fall. God had asked of Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit in the midst of the garden lest they die.

In that day in which they did that which they were not to do, they realized that they were naked and hid. God then comes and clothes them with the skin of a lamb. In that day, a blameless lamb was slain to cover their nakedness. A lamb died in their stead.

The death of the lamb in the garden pointed to the death of Christ on the cross. Just as the lamb took the place of man so would Christ take the place of man.  He would himself hang naked on the cross and die in Mans stead.

Now let me point out one thing, the events relating to Christ do not happen arbitrarily but happen in the time set and so we have such phrases as “In the fullness of time, When the fullness of time came. In fact, the Jews were given feasts and festivals whose set times pointed to the person and ministry of the Messiah.

Historical evidences point to 31 AD as the dates for Christ’s crucifixion. Remarkably Bible prophecies in the Old Testament give the date of Jesus death as 31 AD.

The question is, why would Jesus die at the exact appointed time? Your guess is as good as mine. To match with God’s time plans to restore Eden.

Christ arrived just on time to begin the work of restoring to Man what was lost at creation. He died exactly 4000 years after man sinned, after the lamb was sacrificed in Eden to take the place of Man.

Why 4000 years you may ask.

Mentioned 146 times in Scripture, Bible scholars understand that the number 40 symbolizes a period of judgement, testing, trial or probation.

Here are some examples

Israel served the Philistines for 40 years before Samson’s deliverance.

The Israelites wandered in the dessert for 40 Years.

Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights

God said to Abraham that after 400 years He would deliver Israel Genesis 15:13



God said to Abram, "Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years. 14"But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve, and afterward they will come out with many possessions.


In like manner Jesus declares that He had come to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and to set the oppressed free.

If Jesus is crucified in 31AD exactly 40 centuries since man came under the slavery of sin, then the 6000 years of Mans slavery ends in 2031 and Christ begins the sabbatical millennial rule.