
Troubled Murang’a ACK diocese placed under rep

Anglican Church of Kenya bishops attend a retirement service for Bishop Isaac Ng’ang’a of Mt Kenya Central Diocese. An election for a bishop in the diocese failed to happen after wrangles. [PHOTO: BONIFACE GIKANDI/STANDARD]

MURANG’A: Mt Kenya Central ACK Diocese is the second in the country to be placed under the watch of the Anglican Church headquarters after wrangles frustrated the election of a new bishop.

The diocese was placed under a commissary bishop on Saturday after the election aborted due to complaints from 11 candidates that the process was flawed.

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala appointed diocesan assistant bishop Allan Waithaka as the commissary to run the affairs of the diocese until fresh elections are held.

Mt Kenya Central ACK Diocese, which covers Murang'a region, is the second in Kenya to be placed under a commissary bishop after Marsabit headed by Rev Martin Robert.

The move comes at a time when the county government is experiencing challenges with the bid to impeach Governor Mwangi wa Iria.

The diocese, perceived to be the origin of the Anglican Church in the country, failed to secure a successor for Bishop Isaac Ng'ang'a who retired on Sunday.

According to a source within the church, a commissary bishop has all the powers to run a diocese but in consultation with the office of the archbishop.

"The commissary bishop has all the mandate but he is yet to receive the pastoral staff to have full mandate and must consult the archbishop," said a senior clergy member.

The election had attracted 11 candidates but trouble emerged after the panel shortlisted three.