
Muungano Choir to perform for Obama Nairobi

Muungano Choir rehearses at KICC Tuesday. The choir is among Kenyan music groups that will
entertain US President Barack Obama during his visit. [PHOTO: JENIPHER WACHIE/STANDARD]

NAIROBI: The celebrated Muungano National Choir has secured an opportunity to perform at a dinner party during US President Barack Obama's visit.

Leaders of the group, which is the only member of the International Federation for Choral Music in the country, described the chance to entertain Obama as a great honour.

Their music repertoire includes African contemporary songs and traditional tunes.

"We are very delighted to be invited to perform for Obama in an event that will be broadcast throughout the world," said Joseph Nzuki, the chairman of the group.

The group was initially formed to perform during the burial of Kenya's first President Jomo Kenyatta in August 1978 by the late Boniface Muganga, before being transformed into a national choir.


Muungano choir draws its members from different professions and age groups, with the youngest chorister being 20 years and the oldest 72.

The group is spearheaded by experienced choir directors led by Francis Keya and Crispin Kodi.

"To us, it is a golden chance. We have 18 signature tunes for the event," added Keya.

In 1993, the choral group went on a performance tour of the US and visited New York, Washington DC and Chicago and neighbouring Canada.

The group also preformed during an occasion to mark the release of the late South African freedom hero Nelson Mandela from detention held in the US.