
Monsanto introduces three new maize varieties for high altitude areas

NYERI, KENYA: A seed company has introduced three new high yielding maize varieties for high altitude areas, to boost yields in the region.

The seeds have been tailor made to suit the areas that are not traditionally maize growing areas.

They are targeting the highlands areas known for producing tea and coffee.

The new varieties are by Monsato Company, which is holding a field day for Nyeri farmers at Wambugu farm Agricultural training centre.

Peter Kiburi, representative from Monsato said farmers from all over the county had been invited to the one day event so as to find ways to ensure their crops produce yields regardless of the delayed rainfall.

Kiburi explained that the three maize varieties were; a high altitude variety which takes about four to five months to mature and is ideal for tea growing zones and can yield up to 66 bags per acre.

The variety known as KH600-22A grows up to ten meters high and can be used as fodder for livestock due to the long stalks it produces.

The second variety DKC 90-89 is suitable for coffee growing areas which are medium altitude maize variety.

The variety does not require high volumes of rainfall to mature and can produce upto 44 bags of maize per acre.

The  DKC 90-89 also capable of producing two cobs per stem which is knonw as a double cobbler and matures within 145 days.

And finally DK 8031 maize is suitable for dry areas which takes three months to mature and can produce 34 bags of maize.

This variety is drought tolerant and takes only 3months to mature.

Kiburi noted that the Monsato Company was introducing the new varieties of maize seeds for high altitude areas to ensure that the farmers would be food secure.

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