Cousin Barry needs to make Kenya his proper home soon

PETER KIMANI} seriously speaking

The forum where truth is well told

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Our cousin Barry has been in the news this past week. Some scribes claim he has been in trouble with Michelle over that “selfie” he took at Nelson Mandela’s funeral last month, snuggling close to that gorgeous Dutch PM, together with British PM David Cameron.

It is not clear if Cameron has landed in any trouble on his domestic front, although what was probably worse was the infantile conduct of grown men and a woman at a funeral, never mind Madiba’s.

But the “selfie” appears to have escalated tensions that have been building in cousin Barry’s household, with reports that once he retires from power, he shall retreat to his shags in Hawaii, while Michelle will stay on in the city of Washington and raise their daughters.

There is no reason cousin Barry should wither abroad when he has a proper home to return to. He could even be elected to the highest office in the land and bring his lofty ideas home.

I would be particularly interested in his ideas about bangi (cannabis), which he says is not any worse than alcohol, yet so many young people in his country are incarcerated for its use.

Having such a sober voice in our midst would be very fruitful; bangi would probably be decriminalised and free up the policemen manning our roads with sniffer dogs and deploy them to better use.

Cousin Barry should know a thing or two about bangi; he has confessed to using it as a teen and young adult, and see, he turned out just fine!