Uhuru: Madiba will forever stand tall


President Uhuru Kenyatta led Kenyans in mourning the death of global icon Nelson Mandela, describing him as an exceptional transformational leader.

Kenyatta, who relayed Kenyans’ condolences to South Africans, said Mandela was gifted with unique, admirable abilities and strong values, which made him an outstanding African statesman and icon.

He said the former South Africa President had taught the world the strong virtues of humanity, which made him stand out.

“Only the truly exceptional people leave their mark in the world and Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was one of those,” Uhuru noted.

“He believed in the noble principles of equity, justice, cohesiveness and inclusiveness in governance. He had faith and confidence in the ability of his people to realise the dream of a free, united and prosperous South Africa,” he added.

He further said: “We share the pain of this irreplaceable loss and mourn with our South African brothers and sisters and the rest of the world. Our prayers are with them at this moment of national grief. ”

Kenyatta hailed Mandela’s resilience in the fight against apartheid, saying he had epitomised the best of the Pan-Africanism spirit.

“His courage to confront apartheid transcended across the world and propelled the fight against colonialism and discrimination. As a free man, President Mandela led the fight to free Africa not only from political bondage but equally important from the scourge of disease, poverty, poor governance and illiteracy-ills of modern life,” noted Kenyatta.

He said Mandela had left a legacy that will stand out in generations

“His name is cast on the echelons of history. His image and standing among all men will forever stand tall,” Uhuru said. On his part, former President Kibaki termed Mandela as “an extra-ordinary legend and a world-class icon of the 20th and 21st century”.

“In his richly bedecked life, the late Mandela has towered over racism, redefined the meaning of freedom and inspired new standards of African dignity and brotherhood. He was the paragon of hope of a greater and more equal world,” said Kibaki.

He noted that the former SA President had transformed the world by imprinting strong virtues of humanity.

“Mandela may be physically separated from us but his exceptional spirit and indiscriminate love for humanity has transformed the world and secured a place of honour for the ideals he unfailingly stood for”.

“Mandela has bowed out of the scene but left Africa and her prospects on the world stage much brighter than ever before,” he said.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, termed Mandela as a rare personality on the globe.  “He is one of those rare human beings that we are persistently looking for and we only come across once in a century or a generation, and only if we are lucky,” he said.

“He was persist and showed courage, humility, hope and tolerance rolled up in one person. We are lucky to have lived in his time and to have witnessed him rise to become a legend while he still lived. In Mandela’s death, the world has lost a great symbol for what humanity can achieve with good intentions,” he added.

Deputy President William Ruto said: “The world has lost a moral example of selfless leadership, a man of courage, principle and honour. The African Continent is poorer without Madiba. We are mourning a father to multiple generations of Africans. Madiba left a legacy of leadership and he was a shining example that we should all emulate”.