
Celebs hits political road

Monday Blues by Stevens Muendo

It is official. Local artistes and young Kenyans are now taking an active political role that will see them endorse presidential candidates ahead of the March 4 General Elections.

Going against tradition — where musicians were rather skeptical about voicing their stand on which presidential candidate to support — a number of stars are now open about who they want in the next government.

Over the weekend, a new forum christened Dunda was launched in a glamorous extravangaza held in Nauru with leading artistes like Jaguar, Ally B, Abass and G Kon taking the front line in educating the youth on their role in politics.

The Dunda forum seeks to educate the youth on their civic rights. It calls upon young Kenyans to voice their issues on youth empowerment in governance, job creation and talent growth even as they pick on their future leaders.

“Dunda is a project by the youth, for the youth. We are letting young Kenyans voice their issues to political aspirants while at the same time calling upon young Kenyans to strive towards taking up leadership roles in the country,”  said Machel Waikenda, the former Blackstar entertainment owner and former Kenya Airways pilot who is in charge of the Dunda campaign.

“Young people are the most ambitious lot in the society and besides, their lives and future will be highly be determined by the kind of government they will vote in. It is for this reason why celebrities and young people in general should not shy away from participating in politics.

“All the artistes participating in Dunda are doing so in free will. As much as they are being paid to participate in the nationwide campaign, they are in the movement out of free will. We don’t work with vendors. It is not about the cash. They are believers,” Machel added.

 The forum has already attracted over 50 celebrities who will be part of the one-month nationwide caravan.

Most of the artistes have composed peace and patriotic songs to be used during the sensitisation campaign.

The campaign will go into TV and radio as well as outdoor advertising in s week’s time.

It is the first time that local celebrities are coming out openly and stating their political wishes.

“If the youth do not take an active role in voicing their issues, who will help. Many times we blame political leaders for every mess in the country. But, unless we take an active role in shaping the destiny of our country, nothing may ever change,” remarked Jaguar whose Matapedia song hits hard on corrupt.