
School sues Knec over exam results

By Willis Oketch

Mombasa County

A private school in Mombasa has sued the Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) for canceling last year’s KCPE examination results of some of its pupils.

Mwingo Academy has sued the examination body and Ministry of Education, accusing them of destroying the future of the innocent children.

Lawyer Paul Butti said it was unfair for the examination body to cancel the results of some of the children two times in a row.

He told Justice Maureen Odero that it was unacceptable for Knec to cancel the results of pupils whose results were also cancelled in 2011.

Justice Odero certified the matter as urgent.

The school wants the examination body ordered to mark the examinations and grade the pupils in question again.

Butti told the judge that during the examinations period, Knec posted two invigilators who oversaw the exercise and certified that there were no irregularities in Kiswahili paper, which has been cancelled for 47 of the 54 pupils.

The lawyer accused the examination body of being malicious. “This is making it impossible for the candidates to advance their education beyond Standard Eight,” said Butti.

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