Moi throws weight behind Musalia’s bid

By Ben Agina

Nakuru, Kenya: Former President Moi has pledged to support Amani’s Musalia Mudavadi bid for State House come March 4 General Election.

Moi who met Musalia’s entourage in Kabarak as they landed to refuel their helicopters before embarking on their tour of Baringo County, wished the Amani aspirant well in his endeavors to secure the presidency.

Moi’s press secretary Mr Lee Njiru confirmed the meeting took place adding that the former president re-affirmed that he was still in Kanu, which is currently a member of the Amani Coalition.

“Musalia and his team landed at Kabarak to refuel their chopper and decided to meet the former president. Mzee wished them well in their campaigns,” said Lee.

Present during the meeting were Musalia, Jeremiah Kioni, Eugene Wamalwa, Gideon Moi, Musikari Kombo, Kipruto Kirwa, Nick Salat, Ken Lusaka, Paul Sang, George Khaniri, Bisau Kakai , governor Aspirant Trans Nzoia, Mark Too, Shadrack Manga and Amin Walji UDF candidate Westlands.

Musalia said; “Coming back here brings a lot of nostalgic memories. I want to say that we are very happy to be your visitors this morning. As Amani coalition, we are determined and ready to fight it out with our competitors and win the elections”

Musalia said the two coalitions, CORD and jubilee  are operating from a polarising standpoint.

“We are confident that we shall turn things around. We just want to say thank you for accepting to support us,” said Musalia.

Those who attended the meeting said Moi thanked Musalia and his team for thinking about the broader welfare of Kenyans throughout their campaigns.

Moi told Musalia and his team that Kenya is a well known country in East Africa and overseas.

“That's why everybody is concerned about the process and the outcome of this election. I am sure there will be no violence during the exercise”, Moi is said to have stated.

He said he knew the late Moses Mudavadi and worked very closely with him.

“I am with you fully, travel well be more active  and visit areas where you have less support to attract more followers. We are together and I want to wish you success,” Moi asserted.

On his part, Kioni said: “I schooled here at Kabarak High School and the Nyayo philosophy of peace, love and unity is what informed my decision to back Musalia. We have to look beyond our tribes to foster peace and harmony in Kenya.

And Wamalwa said "We are solidly behind Musalia. We seek your support. The differences that existed before  are now behind us. We have strong candidates from all the counties in Western Province who will deliver votes to the Amani Coalition.